
Daguan Community Residents Demonstrate At Veterans’ Affairs Council, Hold Overnight Sit-in

Members of the Daguan Community—a military dependents’ village in New Taipei city currently facing eviction—and supportive youth activists demonstrated at the Veteran’s Affairs Office today, with one hospitalized after becoming ill during the protest. Following the arrest of twenty demonstrators, Daguan residents declared an overnight sit-in outside the Taipei District Prosecutor's Court until those detained were released...

60th Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day Commemorated in Taipei, Campaign for Dalai Lama to Visit Taiwan Announced

Several hundred marched in the rain to commemorate Tibetan Uprising Day today. Tibetan Uprising Day commemorates a 1959 uprising against China’s military occupation of Tibet. This year is the 60th anniversary of the uprising, making this year’s commemoration an especially significant one. Notably, a campaign to petition for the Dalai Lama to visit Taiwan was announced at the commemoration...

An Analysis of the Implications and Strategy of Taiwan’s Gay Marriage Bill Going Forward

Taiwan's Executive Yuan has proposed a draft for same-sex marriage legislation earlier this month. This draft proposes to legalize same-sex marriage, but under a different framework of law than the ones currently in effect for straight couples. The bill has currently passed its second reading, though splits have emerged between parties regarding whether to advance the current bill or amend the bill further...


昨天一早,大觀社區居民與員警在行政院前爆發衝突。大觀社區是位於新北市板橋的眷村,數年來,社區居民不停面對著受驅逐的威脅。然而,大觀社區的居民在三月四號收到一份通知,表明他們的家園將在三月十八號強制拆除。昨天於行政院的抗議活動便是針對這份通知。 ...