
Gendered Politicians

When it comes to politicians, what is the first image that comes to mind? I would presume it is a man with an assertive attitude, high self-esteem and confidence, and who might occasionally talk aggressively. However, recently more and more women are participating in politics. What if I were to ask you to imagine a female politician? I bet the characteristics associated with this image of a female politician will be similar to the first image of the male politician....




2014 年 3 月 18 日夜晚,一群台灣青年衝入立法院議場,佔領議會超過 20 天,抗議立委貿然和中國簽署《服務貿易協定》。這波被稱為「太陽花運動」的抗議,不僅衝破了台灣民主的黑幕,更使得許多原本對政治冷漠的台灣人,開始正視台灣的民主危機,連帶地掀起後續大規模的公民參與浪潮。同時,太陽花運動也揭示了台灣政治、經濟和社會各層面,長期以來潛藏的問題。...

Power and Discourse

Over the last thirty years, there’s been a slowly manifesting trend in regard to Taiwan’s international position, a series of processes that amount collectively to a single linear motion, and which offers no small indication of the future of Taiwanese democracy...


Radical 在台灣常常會翻譯成「激進」,但我認為應該翻成「基進」會更為恰當。根據 Merriam-Webster Online 關於 radical 的條目, radical 是「與根(root)相關的」,衍生為基礎、起源與重要之意。所以 radical 的『ㄐㄧ』應該翻譯為「基」礎的基而非「激」烈的激。為什麼我要從 radical 開始談呢?因為無政府主義(Anarchism)常常被認為是最 radical 的政治思想體系( political ideology ),然而在沒有弄清 radical 真正的意思之前,我們常常在一開始就搞錯整個無政府主義的方向,把無政府主義連接到混亂、失序、毫無規則等等…。但其實無政府主義者的重點是思考最「基本」的問題,挑戰問題的「根基」,而非採取「激烈」的手段。...