Film and Television

See More Short Films!: New Voices in Taiwanese Short Film at the Women Make Waves International Film Festival

Last month, Taipei’s SPOT-Huashan theater was home to the Women Make Waves International Film Festival. First held in 1993, the Women Make Waves festival has now completed its 31st edition–about the same age as Lumi. Over the course of ten days, the festival showed more than a hundred screenings, organized by the Taiwan Women’s Film Association around the theme of “Spacing.” Interpreted by the festival’s chairperson Joyce Tang as 缝隙 (gap, or fissure), this theme was explored with breadth and nuance through the curatorial team’s selection of films, which sounded the complex terrains of war, work, sex, gender, and national identity...

Review: Memories to Choke on, Drinks to Wash Them Down (夜香・鴛鴦・深水埗)

Memories to Choke on, Drinks to Wash Them Down, directed by Leung Ming-kai and Kate Reilly, stands out for its ability to evocatively conjure up the quotidian realities of Hong Kong. In many ways, the film, consisting of three shorts depicting everyday dramas set in Hong Kong and one documentary segment, proves a highly poetic one—a snapshot of Hong Kong as it is today, as well as a Hong Kong that may not last...


理查德·埃夫頓(Richard Avedon)說:「擁有五張出色照片的職業生涯是相當不錯的……[亨利·卡蒂埃·布列松](Henri Cartier-Bresson)有數百張!」 這麼強力的宣稱並不誇張,因為布列松絕對是他那代最偉大的攝影師之一,也是 20 世紀偉大藝術家之一。 走進台北市立美術館的畫廊,參觀大師的作品,是非常特別的經驗。...


《阿紫》是一部以觀察和訪談為基礎的紀錄片,是以 verite 傳統原則為方式來製作。這部電影的主要角色是越南新娘阿紫和她的丈夫阿龍。電影對人物的刻畫是直接、誠實的,除了有時會分散注意力的音樂以外,幾乎沒有點綴。而這對夫婦所牽涉的,卻是非常重要的主題,觀眾欣賞此片時,不得不面對這些可能不是很舒服的議題。...