Some ask, why the need for transitional justice in Taiwan, anyway? The answer lay in the unresolved issues of the authoritarian period which linger in the present...
Recent attempts to claim the Mong Kok riots on February 9th in Hong Kong are evidence of “fascism” are the pro-unification Left up to its old tricks...
Lee Teng-Hui recently drew fire for calling for the localization and Taiwanization of the Republic of China, but claiming that there is no explicit need for Taiwanese independence in a recently published book. Do we see shifts in the discourse about independence/unification as reflected in Lee’s statements?...
The past week has seen rallies across the country in protest of the arraignment of NYPD officer Peter Liang on charges of manslaughter and official misconduct...
從 2014 年十一月起,紐約華裔警察 Peter Liang (梁彼得)槍殺非裔 Akai Gurley 的事件,與 Ferguson 在美國鬧成的軒然大波,分裂了美國的亞裔社群。在美國主流媒體報導中,Liang-Gurley 的事件被視為整個 Black Lives Matter 運動中的一個小插曲,差別只在於 Peter Liang 成為第一位因射殺未持有槍械且未犯法的非裔人士而被法律懲處的警察,至於其他白人警察,比如發生於 Liang-Gurley 事件之前的兩起:勒斃 Eric Garner 的 Dan Pantaleo 與射殺 Mike Brown 的 Darren Wilson,都未被大陪審團要求起訴。...
In a year which has already seen unprecedented crackdowns on the press, China recently announced a ban on foreign media publishing online in China. Will this backfire?...