Alex Chuang is a Taiwanese-American from Seattle, Washington and has a degree in American Studies from Oberlin College.
Andria Chiu-Tattersfield (dri) is a nonbinary student organizer who can usually be found laying in patches of grass or attempting to farm. They grew up in Taipei and are currently studying physics and philosophy in southern California. Things they are currently thinking about include environmental justice, trans identity and the intersection of science and society. They also love writing poetry, doodling and combining the two into comics!
Brian Hioe is one of the founding editors of New Bloom. He is a freelance journalist, as well as a translator. A New York native and Taiwanese-American, he has an MA in East Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University and graduated from New York University with majors in History, East Asian Studies, and English Literature. He was Democracy and Human Rights Service Fellow at the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy from 2017 to 2018 and is currently a Non-Resident Fellow at the University of Nottingham's Taiwan Studies Programme.
丘琦欣,創建破土的編輯之一,專於撰寫社會運動和政治的自由作家偶而亦從事翻譯工作。他自哥倫比亞大學畢業,是亞洲語言及文化科系的碩士,同時擁有紐約大學的歷史,東亞研究及英文文學三項學士學位。Bryan Chen is a Taiwanese American soon to be pursuing a Master’s degree in Food Culture and Innovation at the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. Bryan is the founder, owner, and chef of The Militant Manatee, a Taiwanese food pop up restaurant based in New York City, and plans to restart the business after graduating.
Enbion Micah Aan is a documentary photographer based in Brooklyn, New York.
洪延平,記錄攝影者。住布魯克林,紐約。Garrett is a writer living in New York City. His topics of interest are film & book reviews, international politics and technology.
Lee Tzu-Tung, artist, holder of the New Artist Society scholarship. Her works are mostly video installations related with political themes. She is also a MFA student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, now working in a Taiwanese legislator’s election campaign collecting the materials for her next art work.
Jasmine Chan studied in philosophy, now is a graduate student in Taiwan Literature and a writer trying to make films. She hopes to reveal the real images of Taiwan.Nicholas Haggerty is an editor at The News Lens and a member of New Bloom’s editorial board. He occasionally contributes to Commonweal magazine based in New York.
Peter Freestone is a migrant artist and cognitive labourer with a background in English linguistics and translation of Mandarin and Japanese. He is founding director of Batonic Projects, managing editor of White Fungus, and co-curator of Spectacular Atrophy, Printed in Taiwan, and Barrak Art Book Fair.
Shane Hu, from Taiwan, currently lives in America. In 2014, he participated in the founding of New Bloom, he currently serves as Chinese language editor and will occasionally write a piece. He is concerned with society and politics, and is also quite interested in baseball, video games, and drink.
胡景祥(Shane Hu),台灣人,目前旅居美國。2014年參與破土成立,現擔任中文編輯,偶爾也自己動筆寫文章。關心社會與政治,同時對棒球、電動和小酌也有著無法割捨的情感。Sheng Kao (高笙) is the 2020 to 2022 Oberlin Shansi Independent Fellow. She graduated from Oberlin College, where she majored in Biology. As a scientist and writer, she is interested in the transmission of knowledge and information, especially with regard to language.
SueAnn Shiah is a Taiwanese American musician, filmmaker, community organizer, and emerging theologian specializing in decolonizing faith, identity formation, racial justice, gender, and sexuality. She has a B.B.A. in Music Business with a Production emphasis and a Chinese minor from Belmont University and is currently attending National Taiwan University pursuing a Masters of Arts in Musicology.
夏叔安是個音樂家,導演,和神學家。他的作品題目和研究興趣跟去殖民信仰,身分,文化,種族,性別學,酷兒學有關係。現在他在台灣大學的音樂學所念研究所。90's baby, graduated with an unpromising degree of political science and economics from what Taiwanese called a "well-known" institution from America. Have wrote for several outlets and served in several election campaigns, always looking for interesting and mundane things to do simultaneously to affirm her ambivalence towards politics.
Wen Liu is a Taiwanese activist scholar who writes and organizes around transnational queer movements, Asian American issues, and an anti-imperialist vision toward Taiwan independence. She is currently Assistant Professor in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department, at University at Albany, State University of New York.
Yeh Jiunn Tyng, from Taipei, is currently studying medicine at National Yang Ming University. He focuses on transitional justice and labor issues for medical staff.
葉俊廷,台北人,目前就讀陽明大學醫學系,主要關注轉型正義與醫師勞動議題。Edward Liu has a Master's in Statistics from Columbia University, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Social Welfare at Rutger's University. He is interested in the phenomenon of poverty and social inequality. Through deconstructing left and right ideology and the dialogue of the data sciences and empirical research, he hopes that this can become a topic of public discussion, and can lead to new ways of understanding.
劉彥廷,紐約哥倫比亞大學統計碩士,紐澤西羅格斯大學社會福利所博士生。 對於理解貧窮現象與社會不均有濃厚的興趣,透過解構左與右的意識型態以及資料科學的實證研究對話,盼能在公共論述的討論中,提供另一種途徑的論述見解。Eathan Lai is a community member of New Bloom, with which he translates and writes occasionally. Formerly invested in socio-cultural anthropology, Eathan now tries to remember queer utopias and decolonial futures in Taipei. He also makes podcasts during the day and moonlights as a freelance translator.