As recent events under the Trump administration illustrate, one cannot bank entirely on claims that America should defend Taiwan because it is of some rational use to America to argue that Americans should concern themselves with Taiwan...
Some odd reactions have appeared in recent days among members of the Taiwanese pro-unification Left and Chinese New Leftists online after recent actions by American president Donald Trump. What they reveal is Chinese nationalism taking precedent over leftism...
The incoherency of American trade policy and geostrategic thinking under Donald Trump is evident in Trump’s blanket labeling of China, Japan, and Germany as trade manipulators...
On January 27th, the New York Immigration Coalition, the Islamic Leadership Council of Greater NY, and the Inter-Faith Clergy of New York City organized an interfaith action and Junmmah, a weekly Muslim congregational prayer, for Muslim and immigrant communities...
一月二十八日,美國東岸時間的農曆大年初一,甘迺迪機場發生緊急的抗爭行動,現場瀰漫令人忐忑的氣氛。穆斯林裔在海關之外憂心忡忡地等待無法入境的家屬,美國公民自由聯盟(ACLU)的律師一個個拿著筆電席地而坐,飛快地撰寫抗議川普針對伊斯蘭國家移民與旅客行政禁令的申訴書,而機場廳內與廳外擠滿前來聲援的抗爭者,舉著標語"We Are All Immigrants"、"Refugees Are Welcome Here" ,並齊聲呼喊"No Ban No Wall"。美國新任總統川普於一月二十七日針對七個以穆斯林為主的國家,啟動旅行與移民限制行政命令,受到影響國家包含伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、索馬里、蘇丹、敘利亞和葉門七國公民(包括雙重國籍人士),此項行政命令也將全面暫停救援敘利亞難民的計畫。全美的海關人員開始執行這個行政命令才短短一天,就已紛紛在各大城市的機場引發抗爭與聲援活動。...
New Bloom presents its first ever podcast! "Radio New Bloom" will be a bimonthly podcast covering topical events and interviewing Taiwanese social activists, artists, public intellectuals, and others. Our first interview guest is Shawna Yang Ryan, the author of Green Island...
Some in Taiwan have taken John Bolton’s recent editorial in the The Wall Street Journal suggesting that America relocate its bases from Okinawa to Taiwan as cause for celebration. But it does well to be more skeptical about this possibility...
Our first issue of New Bloom for the new year will focus on two topics! The first topic will be the election of Donald Trump to president of the United States and the second topic will be what next for the marriage equality movement in Taiwan / 今年第一期的破土將聚焦在兩大主題上:第一是川普當選美國總統,第二則是台灣婚姻平權的下一步何去何從?...
Given the current legislative recess until April, marriage equality has not been in the news for some time. Yet we do well to remember that the struggle is not over. Rather, competing groups for and against marriage equality both seem to be taking the time to regroup...