Tsai administration

International Students from China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Other Places Still Face Issues Returning to Taiwan

With the COVID-19 situation under control in Taiwan, questions have been raised about when international students, particularly students who are from China, Hong Kong, or Macau, will be allowed to return to Taiwan. In particular, the Taiwanese government has yet to announce a clear timeline as to when students from China, Hong Kong, or Macau will be allowed to return to Taiwan, or when other international students currently unable to re-enter Taiwan will be allowed to do so...

The KMT’s Criticisms of the Tsai Administration’s Voucher Program Reflect Desperation

An unusual political controversy as of late has been regarding a stimulus coupon that the Tsai administration intends to distribute in order to promote spending. The coupons, which are available for purchase for 1,000 NT, are worth 3,000 NT and can be used at businesses such as night markets, department stores, salons, bookstores, restaurants, and other locations. The KMT has honed in on this program as a means of attacking the Tsai administration...

Travel Restrictions on International Students, Cash Rewards for Visa Overstayers Questioned

With the COVID-19 situation under control in Taiwan, restrictions on mass gatherings have been lifted and government authorities are attempting to encourage domestic travel. However, with the prospect of opening up borders again to international travel, as some countries in the region are considering doing, questions have been raised regarding current restrictions on international travel mandated by the government...