
Wealth, Power, And Pride All At Stake For The US And China In The South China Sea

A series of comments made nine months months ago by former head of the far-right Breibart news organization and now chief strategist of the Trump administration Steven Bannon in regards to the South China Sea have recently come to light, giving a glimpse into the Trump administration’s worldview concerning Chinese expansion in the Asia Pacific...

Challenges For Tsai In The Wake Of The US Withdrawal From TPP Negotiations

With the signing of Trump’s executive order regarding the United States’s withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, US president Donald Trump brought an end to US involvement in the controversial trade deal that would have opened markets between the US and many countries in the Asia Pacific,with the notable exception of China. What now for Taiwan, which sought admission to the trade deal?...


一月二十八日,美國東岸時間的農曆大年初一,甘迺迪機場發生緊急的抗爭行動,現場瀰漫令人忐忑的氣氛。穆斯林裔在海關之外憂心忡忡地等待無法入境的家屬,美國公民自由聯盟(ACLU)的律師一個個拿著筆電席地而坐,飛快地撰寫抗議川普針對伊斯蘭國家移民與旅客行政禁令的申訴書,而機場廳內與廳外擠滿前來聲援的抗爭者,舉著標語"We Are All Immigrants"、"Refugees Are Welcome Here" ,並齊聲呼喊"No Ban No Wall"。美國新任總統川普於一月二十七日針對七個以穆斯林為主的國家,啟動旅行與移民限制行政命令,受到影響國家包含伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、索馬里、蘇丹、敘利亞和葉門七國公民(包括雙重國籍人士),此項行政命令也將全面暫停救援敘利亞難民的計畫。全美的海關人員開始執行這個行政命令才短短一天,就已紛紛在各大城市的機場引發抗爭與聲援活動。...