On November 24, five of the national referendum results show overwhelming opposition against the legalization of same-sex marriage and a gender equality education in grade school that would include LGBTQ issues. While there are many questions that remain to be answered through a more detailed analysis of the voting data, we are here writing as activists to reflect on the movement and offering some observations and directions on how we may want to move forward from here...
一月二十八日,美國東岸時間的農曆大年初一,甘迺迪機場發生緊急的抗爭行動,現場瀰漫令人忐忑的氣氛。穆斯林裔在海關之外憂心忡忡地等待無法入境的家屬,美國公民自由聯盟(ACLU)的律師一個個拿著筆電席地而坐,飛快地撰寫抗議川普針對伊斯蘭國家移民與旅客行政禁令的申訴書,而機場廳內與廳外擠滿前來聲援的抗爭者,舉著標語"We Are All Immigrants"、"Refugees Are Welcome Here" ,並齊聲呼喊"No Ban No Wall"。美國新任總統川普於一月二十七日針對七個以穆斯林為主的國家,啟動旅行與移民限制行政命令,受到影響國家包含伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、索馬里、蘇丹、敘利亞和葉門七國公民(包括雙重國籍人士),此項行政命令也將全面暫停救援敘利亞難民的計畫。全美的海關人員開始執行這個行政命令才短短一天,就已紛紛在各大城市的機場引發抗爭與聲援活動。...
從 2014 年十一月起,紐約華裔警察 Peter Liang (梁彼得)槍殺非裔 Akai Gurley 的事件,與 Ferguson 在美國鬧成的軒然大波,分裂了美國的亞裔社群。在美國主流媒體報導中,Liang-Gurley 的事件被視為整個 Black Lives Matter 運動中的一個小插曲,差別只在於 Peter Liang 成為第一位因射殺未持有槍械且未犯法的非裔人士而被法律懲處的警察,至於其他白人警察,比如發生於 Liang-Gurley 事件之前的兩起:勒斃 Eric Garner 的 Dan Pantaleo 與射殺 Mike Brown 的 Darren Wilson,都未被大陪審團要求起訴。...
On October 5th, mainstream media outlets reported on a Chinese woman carrying her child who was defecating in front of Burberry. How was reporting revealing of colonial discourse and discrimination against Chinese in the age of globalization?...
Wen Liu is a Taiwanese activist scholar who writes and organizes around transnational queer movements, Asian American issues, and an anti-imperialist vision toward Taiwan independence. She is currently Assistant Professor in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department, at University at Albany, State University of New York.