Social Movements

62nd Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day Commemorated in Taipei with March, Prayer Ceremony

A march is held annually in Taipei to commemorate Tibetan Uprising Day, which remembers the 1959 Tibetan uprising against Chinese occupiers in Tibet. This year the decision was made to hold the march on the Sunday before Tibetan Uprising Day on March 7th and to hold a prayer ceremony at Liberty Plaza on March 10th...

Xpark : 桃園發展中的動物虐待

與多數水族館常見的行銷策略不同-- 總是以保育為大前提,藉此來獲得公共資金,Xpark 在這方面算是誠實的。Xpark並沒有宣稱設立水族館是為了崇高的保育目標,並自認他們的主要目的是為了讓遊客能體驗如夢似幻的「平行宇宙」。Xpark不談保育、不談動物福利、不以提供動物舒適的環境為目標,而是強調動物「生存的韌性」。他們期許動物能自我調適,適應這異於常態而為了展示而製造的人工環境:「呈上生物的奧秘,不斷適應自身,以便適應環境與表演...」當現代社會的人們對動物福利的意識正在不斷提高, Xpark卻誠實表態無視動物福利的舉動,此舉著實令人詫異。...

Datan Gas Terminal Development Proves Another Issue the DPP and KMT Have Traded Places On

Construction plans for the No. 3 liquified gas terminal by the Central Petroleum Company near the coast of the Datan Borough, which is located in the Guanyin District of Taoyuan, has led environmental groups to call for a national referendum on the issue. But what has provoked a number of strong reactions among environmental groups in recent days is that the KMT has jumped onto supporting the referendum proposal...