
Tatung Ownership Struggle Comes to an End, but Much Remains Opaque

The Tatung Company ownership struggle has come to a temporary end, with a group of investors led by Wang Kuang-hsiang, the head of the Shanyuan Group and a construction magnate, claiming seven out of nine seats on Tatung’s board of directors last week. After elections, Tatung’s shares rose by 10% in value, a sign of investor confidence in the company. However, much remains opaque about what exactly took place within the company...

呼籲釋放潛逃台灣12港人 公民團體於台北發起1025遊行

多個公民團體昨日發起遊行,要求釋放目前囚禁在中國的香港人,他們於今年八月試圖潛逃台灣。這 12 位港人年齡介於 16 至 33 歲之間,於今年八月試圖乘快艇逃往台灣途中,遭到中國海警攔截。香港警務處(HKPF)似乎從出發就知悉他們的行蹤並且從空中追蹤,亦即默許中國攔截,而非香港自己截阻,意在嚇阻其他香港人從海路潛逃至台灣,也警示了中國直接干預台港兩地的可能性。...