
Violent Attacks On Journalists, Police By Anti-Pension Reform Demonstrators

Anger broken out in Taiwanese society after physical violence by pan-Blue demonstrators protesting against pension reform yesterday. What has been shocking and angering has been the use of physical violence by anti-pension demonstrators, particularly against journalists and the police. This led to fourteen journalists and 84 police officers being injured, including the beating of journalists and destruction of their equipment, attacks on media vans, and disruptions to the National Taiwan University Children's Hospital by anti-pension demonstrators...

Attacks On Independence Activists Indicate Willingness To Use Violence By Pro-Unification Camp

Charges filed against youth activists from a pro-independence group for throwing red paint onto the sarcophagus of Chiang Kai-Shek in the Cihu Mausoleum, accusations of Internet censorship, attacks by pro-unfication activists on the longstanding occupation of the Free Taiwan Party outside the Legislative Yuan, and a physical attack by pro-unification activists on Tsay Ting-Kuei of the Free Taiwan Party have provoked outrage...