Central Epidemic Command Center

127 Domestic Cases Announced, Vaccine Shipments to Arrive Tomorrow, Taipei City Announces Investigation Results

The CECC announced 127 domestic cases today, with one imported case. 20 deaths were confirmed. Vaccine shipments of 410,000 doses from Taiwan's Moderna purchase and 750,000 vaccine doses donated to Taiwan by the US will arrive tomorrow. Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je also announced the results of an investigation into the Good Liver Clinic violating vaccination priority order, as well as that Taipei city will no longer hold daily press conferences providing updates on the COVID-19 outlook...

187 Domestic Cases Announced, Moderna Shipment to Arrive Today, AstraZeneca Safety Questioned by Media

187 domestic cases, along with one imported case, were announced at the Central Epidemic Command Center press conference today. 21 deaths were also announced. A shipment of 240,000 Moderna vaccine doses is set to arrive in Taiwan this afternoon. In the meantime, Taiwanese media increasingly reports on the AstraZeneca vaccine as unsafe ...

175 Domestic Cases Announced, CECC Responds to Claims in Media Alleging Deaths After Vaccination

The CECC announced 175 domestic cases of COVID-19 today, along with 19 deaths. There are increasing reports in the media of sudden deaths that have taken place after COVID-19 vaccination, with 13 deaths claimed to have happened so far. The CECC responded to such reports today, seeing as these were individuals with preexisting conditions and, statistically, 260 individuals over 75 years old pass away every day. This overlaps with the fact that 70,000 to 80,000 individuals over 75 years old are vaccinated every day...