January 2020

The Unstoppable Joy Party: An Interview with Froggy Chiu

New Bloom interviewed Chiu Wei-jie, popularly known as Froggy Chiu, city councilor for Taipei District 3, on December 6th. Chiu is a YouTuber that was elected into office last year, running an unorthodox campaign dependent entirely on online advertising, and with no traditional means of advertising. New Bloom spoke to him about his recently formed political party of YouTubers, the Unstoppable Joy Party...

Death of Military Chief Will Likely Be Used to Attack Tsai by the Han Campaign, Chinese Disinformation Efforts

The unexpected death of Shen Yi-ming, Taiwan’s military chief of staff, in a helicopter crash earlier today is likely to provide fodder for electioneering in the coming days. While both the Tsai and Han campaigns have announced a three-day break from campaign activities in the wake of Shen’s death, it is probable that the incident will eventually be used by the Han campaign as a means of attacking the Tsai administration. It is also highly likely that the incident will become the object of Chinese disinformation efforts...