
Disappearance Of Chinese Interpol Head Is Telling

It proves highly ironic that China would unwittingly demonstrate the falsity of claims that it abides by international norms with the arrest of Interpol president Meng Hongwei. Apparently, it is that Chinese nationals, even high-ranking officials of international government bodies, are subject to Chinese law entirely above and beyond their commitments to the international community...

Voter Fraud On KMT-Led Referendums Proves A Complex Challenge To Tsai Administration

Recent dilemmas faced by the Central Election Commission point again to the challenges of holding a political referendum in Taiwan. Namely, in response to the issue that the KMT seems to have forged a large number of signatures for a referendum against a petition to gradually to phase out thermal power plants that the party has been pushing for, the commission has decided to allow the referendum to pass, but to possibly impose criminal penalties on the KMT for forging signatures...

Ko’s Position On Cross-Strait Relations Remains Ambiguous, But Suspicion Is Warranted

A recent article by Sunflower Movement student leader Lin Fei-Fan in The Diplomat has provoked strong reactions, with Lin raising questions about whether current Taipei mayor Ko Wen-Je has capitulated to China in terms of his position on cross-strait issues. While some claim that this is baseless, suspicion of Ko is warranted given Ko's increasing closeness to the pan-Blue camp in the years since he became Taipei mayor ...

CEC Faces Challenge Of Combining Conflicting Referendum Proposals

In past months, one has observed a number of conflicting referendum proposals achieving the necessary political benchmarks to be held. The number of referendum proposals currently on the table is inclusive of referendums calling for gay marriage, against gay marriage, for nuclear power, for coal power, and for changing the name under which Taiwan is to participate in 2020 Tokyo Olympics...

Anger Against Hong Kong Chief Executive Following Typhoon Mangkhut

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has come under fire for her administration’s handling of Super Typhoon Mangkhut, particularly with regards to a failure to declare the day off for residents of Hong Kong. Mangkhut, the world’s strongest storm in 2018 to date, battered Hong Kong this weekend, injuring over 100 and causing damage to property and infrastructure in Hong Kong...