Brian Hioe

Review: Motherland

"Motherland" directed by Ramona S. Diaz, would be an examination of the lives of pregnant women at Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, the so-called “baby factory” of the Philippines. In this sense, the film is a look at the overpopulation crisis of the Philippines at the very human level of the conditions faced by the pregnant women living in conditions of poverty who give birth at the Fabella Memorial Hospital...

Why Did China Kidnap Lee Ming-Che, Anyway?

While Taiwanese human rights advocate Lee Ming-Che remains imprisoned in China under murky charges of “subverting state power” and attempting to encourage “multiparty rule” in China, it may be worth considering the question of what exactly China hopes to gain out of Lee’s imprisonment, if at all. Obviously, in all likelihood, China wishes to intimidate Taiwan, but in precisely what way does it wish to intimidate Taiwan?...


隨著川普(Donald Trump)當選總統之後,美國各地愈來愈多由白人優越論者(white supremacist)所引起的暴力事件。在這樣的現象中,台灣應該要從中獲得更多思考。今年 8 月 12 日(六),在美國維吉尼亞州的夏綠蒂鎮(Charlottesville)發生了一場衝突。這要從一尊過去南北戰爭時,南方邦聯政府(Confederate)的人物雕像講起,對反種族主義者(anti-racist)來說,這尊雕像象徵著美國過去奴隸和種族制度的可恥歷史,因此要求拆除,但白人優越論的一方卻要求保留。然而,在夏綠蒂鎮抗議的白人優越論者,卻槓上敵對的左派反種族主義者(left anti-racist)和反法西斯主義者(anti-fascist),當時一台車衝進反種族主義者的隊伍,最後導致 1 死 19 傷。...

The Rise And Fall Of Ko Wen-Je?

It may be that Ko Wen-Je will be, going forward, increasingly be seen as a turncoat by the pan-Green camp following the controversy over Ko’s defense of the Sing! China event which took place in Taipei, as well as recent claims by Ko that imprisoned former Taiwanese president Chen Shui-Bian faked his illness in order to secure release on medical parole...

Protests Mark Chinese National Day In Hong Kong On October 1st

Protests marked Chinese National Day in Hong Kong on October 1st earlier this week, with 40,000 taking to the streets in order to demonstrate the worsening condition for human rights and the deterioration of democratic freedoms in Hong Kong. Protests saw some clashes with police and pro-China groups, including the arrest of youth activists from Demosisto after being attacked by pro-China demonstrators. What comes next for Hong Kong, however, remains to be seen...

Accusations Of Nepotism Against DPP Second-Generation Politicians

A wave of mockery from Internet netizens has broken out against second-generation politicians that are the children of established politicians, with plans by children of both pan-Green and pan-Blue politicians to run for office. In particular, however, the DPP has been singled out for criticism with the view that this is a sign of how the DPP is no different from the KMT in terms of how it conducts politics...

Lessons For Taiwan From The Catalan And Kurdish Referendums?

In past days, youth activist and civil society groups in Taiwan have expressed support of Catalonia following the Spanish government’s use of brutal force to put down the Catalan independence referendum. This is not too surprising, seeing as youth activist groups in Taiwan see a sense of shared cause between the Catalan people’s struggle for self-determination and Taiwan’s own struggle for independence. Yet the outcome of not only the Catalan referendum, but also the recent Kurdish referendum in Iraq, offers lessons for Taiwan regarding its own aspirations towards using referendum to settle longstanding questions regarding Taiwanese independence...

Questions For Taipei City Officials Regarding Sing! China Attacks Remain Unresolved

Questions about attacks last week on students and pro-independence demonstrators at the Sing! China event last week remain unresolved, with collusion between Taipei city officials, pro-China gangsters, and the Chinese government itself now alleged at high levels. Many questions remain to be answered not only by Ko Wen-Je’s political administration and the Taipei city police, but also as to why the Mainland Affairs Council would allow the event to take place...
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Brian Hioe

Brian Hioe is one of the founding editors of New Bloom. He is a freelance journalist, as well as a translator. A New York native and Taiwanese-American, he has an MA in East Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University and graduated from New York University with majors in History, East Asian Studies, and English Literature. He was Democracy and Human Rights Service Fellow at the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy from 2017 to 2018 and is currently a Non-Resident Fellow at the University of Nottingham's Taiwan Studies Programme.
