Allegations of sexual assault and sexual harassment within the Taoyuan Confederation of Trade Unions have been divisive of Taiwanese labor organizers in past weeks...
A recent police raid in Hong Kong on the live house Hidden Agenda have provoked anger in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other parts of the Sinophone world. But it should also raise important parallels for music and arts venues struggling to survive under conditions of rising rents, gentrification, and targeting by politicians...
The suicide of bestselling author Lin Yi-Han has provoked no shortage of editorializing and public discussion in Taiwan, seeing as Lin's suicide is attributed to depression over a sexual assault incident which occurred nine years ago in a cram school, the perpetrator being a teacher at the cram school. Lin’s bestselling novel, which was autobiographical in nature, detailed the incident...
With a recent incident in Australia last week in which the Taiwanese delegation to the Kimberley Process conference on blood diamond trafficking was expelled following the demands of the Chinese delegation and affiliated African delegations, however counterintuitively, we can observe an opportunity for Taiwan to make its plight known to the international world. The real question is whether the Tsai administration is willing to take action to make Taiwan’s plight better known to the international world...
With the struggle to push the “Forward-Looking” Infrastructure Development Program into law, the DPP may be kicking a hornet’s nest if it is unable to handle the matter in a way satisfactory to the public...
With recent contention regarding judicial reform, part of what would be at stake is questions of the fundamental basis upon which Taiwan’s legal system is built...
Angry reactions have broken out from the indigenous community and their allies after police attempted to remove the current occupation on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the presidential office demonstrating against the failure of the Tsai administration to restore traditional lands...
UnderU’s two-album compilation showcases a wide variety of talent from the country of Taiwan. Its considered selection has things in the favorite styles that you want to hear new works in as well as experimental tracks that break up the set and bring each track and collaborator’s unique character to the forefront...