
Corporatization of TRA Will Add to, Not Reduce Rail Safety Issues

The Tsai administration's response to the worst rail disaster in Taiwan in over seventy years has been, unfortunately, to make the root cause of the issues that led to the disaster worse. In particular, the Tsai administration has publicly stated that it will restructure the Taiwan Railways Administration to behave more like a corporation after an accident that left fifty dead and over two hundred injured earlier this month...


在 2018 年,於英國創立的「反抗滅絕」(Extinction Rebellion,常常簡稱為 “XR”)是近幾年來最活躍的氣候正義運動之一。目前已在多達 76 個國家,成立了 1169 個團體。反抗滅絕並不自許為無政府主義者組織,但其組織結構與策略卻很吻合無政府主義原則與策略,包含了直接行動、「無領導階級」組織、分權化以及公民不服從。...