Jasmine Chan

The Broken Dreams Of Hong Kong’s Young: An Interview With Nora Lam, Director Of Lost In The Fumes

Nora Lam is most recently the director of Lost in the Fumes, a documentary about Hong Kong localist Edward Leung. Lam has also worked on films including directing Midnight in Mong Kok and co-directing Road Not Taken. The following interview was conducted on May 9th by New Bloom editors Brian Hioe and Symin Chan during a visit by Lam to Taiwan...


2017 年初,剛上市就紅遍世界的電腦遊戲《返校》選用《月夜愁》、《望春風》等台語歌曲作配樂。2017 年,金曲獎最佳台語男歌手由台南歌手謝銘祐奪得,他在專輯《舊年》裡也大量運用日本時代台語流行歌元素。究竟日本時代的台語流行歌藏有什麼瑰寶,值得一提再提?...


2014 年 3 月 18 日夜晚,一群台灣青年衝入立法院議場,佔領議會超過 20 天,抗議立委貿然和中國簽署《服務貿易協定》。這波被稱為「太陽花運動」的抗議,不僅衝破了台灣民主的黑幕,更使得許多原本對政治冷漠的台灣人,開始正視台灣的民主危機,連帶地掀起後續大規模的公民參與浪潮。同時,太陽花運動也揭示了台灣政治、經濟和社會各層面,長期以來潛藏的問題。...
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Jasmine Chan


Jasmine Chan studied in philosophy, now is a graduate student in Taiwan Literature and a writer trying to make films. She hopes to reveal the real images of Taiwan.