Andria Chiu Tattersfield

Working the Land with Land Dyke

Weeding the rice paddy at 6 AM. Eating at a vegan cafe that showcases local art. And now, sitting in their bookstore that functions as a community space for queer student organizers. Throughout my days with Land Dyke, we moved between worlds that I once subconsciously viewed as separate, the result of a lifetime of being taught to view Taiwan one-dimensionally. Positioned at a complex intersection, Land Dyke embodies wholeness...
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Andria Chiu Tattersfield

Andria Chiu-Tattersfield (dri) is a nonbinary student organizer who can usually be found laying in patches of grass or attempting to farm. They grew up in Taipei and are currently studying physics and philosophy in southern California. Things they are currently thinking about include environmental justice, trans identity and the intersection of science and society. They also love writing poetry, doodling and combining the two into comics!