
Is An Unpopular Government A Permanent Characteristic Of Taiwanese Democracy?

With recent polling by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation indicating that the majority of the Taiwanese public is dissatisfied with the government, this would be a sign of the Tsai administration’s failure to maintain the political momentum it rode into power on. However, although this does not absolve Tsai from blame for her political actions either, perhaps this ultimately is due to the characteristics of Taiwan’s democracy as a result of the process of Taiwanese democratization...

KMT Chair Race Illustrates Internal Corruption Within Party

The debacle of KMT chair elections is illustrative of the party’s internal crisis, as well as the means by which the party is highly unlikely to overcome its current crisis, no matter who wins the race. Namely, KMT chair candidates have as of late taken to doubling down on accusations of vote-buying, bribery, and fraud within the election process after it was found that many of petitions submitted by chair hopefuls to qualify for the election contained false signatures or repeat signatures between multiple petitions...

Alternative Military Service Program Points To State-Corporate Ties, Exploitation Of Youth As Cheap Labor

The recent introduction of an alternative military service program which allows draftees to work jobs in fast food chains, convenience stores, and other service industry jobs to fulfill their military service requirement have provoked much scorn, particularly from Taiwanese netizens. Yet the program should raise concerns not only about ties between large corporations and the state, but about the exploitation of youth as cheap labor...