What were the differences between last year's Sunflower Movement and this year's Anti-Textbook Revision Movement? On the other hand, what was shared?...
Taiwanese conservatives, “Left” unificationists, and ultra-left sectarians, all happen to understand the non-stop stream of student movement as the DPP’s manipulation of nationalism, or its buying of the agitation of young students of Taiwan. This kind of short-sighted and limited analysis, only reflects the lack of understanding of how society changes, but also lacks a recognition of the political and economic reasons for the growing anti-government demonstrations....
Once again as with last year's Sunflower Movement we find ourselves in the situation where a small segment of the self-proclaimed Left backs away from a mass uprising of Taiwanese society, claiming it to be right-wing populism....
We have seen five days of occupation in the Ministry of Education courtyard. What have been international responses and what future prospects are there for the movement now?...
Shanghai in the last month has seen massive mobilizations, some reports of which claim that up to 50,000 participated in environmental demonstrations against the building of a chemical plant....