The incoherency of American trade policy and geostrategic thinking under Donald Trump is evident in Trump’s blanket labeling of China, Japan, and Germany as trade manipulators...
With the signing of Trump’s executive order regarding the United States’s withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, US president Donald Trump brought an end to US involvement in the controversial trade deal that would have opened markets between the US and many countries in the Asia Pacific,with the notable exception of China. What now for Taiwan, which sought admission to the trade deal?...
On January 27th, the New York Immigration Coalition, the Islamic Leadership Council of Greater NY, and the Inter-Faith Clergy of New York City organized an interfaith action and Junmmah, a weekly Muslim congregational prayer, for Muslim and immigrant communities...
With the swearing in of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States of America, the realities of global politics are now a different ball game entirely. What should we make of his inaugural address and what now for Taiwan, now that Trump is president of America?...
Trump's contradictory and frequently shifting foreign policy stances are a result of the divided nature of his supporters. This is why a Trump presidency will prove dangerously unpredictable for Taiwan...
One of frequent arguments used by those who suggest that a Donald Trump presidency will follow the terms of more conventional foreign policy is that he will be kept in check by his advisors or institutional safeguards. Is this so?...
With recent statements by Donald Trump that he may break with America’s longstanding One China Policy, some in Taiwan have taken this as cause for celebration. More critical voices, however, noted that Trump’s full statement suggests bargaining away Taiwan in return for a trade deal with China...
One should not acquiesce to the narrative currently being popularized that anything less than uncritical approval of the impetus behind the Trump-Tsai phone call equates to full support for Beijing’s isolation of Taiwan...
Critiques of international media’s reaction to the Trump-Tsai call by pro-Taiwan commentators should be grounded on calling out American hypocrisy on relations with Taiwan instead of trying to convince one’s self and others that the media has gotten it wrong on Trump the all-knowing’s master strategy for the Asia Pacific...