

在一個寒風颼颼的下午,紐約有大約 50 位台灣人聚集在史上著名的 LGBTQ 運動地標石牆酒吧前。這群海外台灣人多是海外留學生,希望敦促民進黨兌現選前所提出的正義訴求,他們帶來了原創藝術、刺青貼紙、口號標語,還有最重要的,他們自己,來表達他們對婚姻平權的支持,也對其他紐約人宣傳這個訴求。...


On a chilly, windy afternoon in New York, fifty or so Taiwanese people gathered at the historic Stonewall Inn, landmark of LGBTQ resistance. This group of overseas Taiwanese, many of them overseas students, voiced their support for marriage equality in Taiwan and promoted the cause to fellow New Yorkers with original art, temporary tattoos, protest signs, chants, and, most importantly, their presence...