



距離 2014 年底大選約莫還有三個月的時間,但自今年初起,選舉新聞已經大舉佔領各類媒體。雖然年底舉辦的大選包含六都直轄市市長、其他縣市長及議員等,但媒體矚目且曝光度最高的仍是台北市與新北市首長的爭奪戰。新北市的候選人仍是依循傳統藍綠分庭抗禮,就選戰本質來說並無太大新意,而台北市長選情及候選人相較之下則讓人想要看看「究竟這些人要怎麼玩下去」。...

Taiwan Minus the KMT?

Following the Sunflower Movement, there have been voices have now begun to speak of eliminating the KMT. And it must be wondered what exactly a Taiwanese political spectrum devoid of the KMT would look like. After all, having existed for the entire duration of what we can speak of as “Taiwanese politics,” it is hard to imagine what Taiwanese politics, period, would look like minus the KMT...

Gendered Politicians

When it comes to politicians, what is the first image that comes to mind? I would presume it is a man with an assertive attitude, high self-esteem and confidence, and who might occasionally talk aggressively. However, recently more and more women are participating in politics. What if I were to ask you to imagine a female politician? I bet the characteristics associated with this image of a female politician will be similar to the first image of the male politician....



Power and Discourse

Over the last thirty years, there’s been a slowly manifesting trend in regard to Taiwan’s international position, a series of processes that amount collectively to a single linear motion, and which offers no small indication of the future of Taiwanese democracy...