
New Bloom Happy Hour #1: The Loneliest Number

Welcome to another episode of Radio New Bloom! Today we’re excited to debut a new program, that we’re calling New Bloom Happy Hour where New Bloom members get together to discuss a topic. Today we’ll be discussing Jay Caspian Kang’s new book, The Loneliest Americans, with a focus on the New York Times’ excerpt of the book and the first chapter of the book. Participants in the discussion are SueAnn Shiah, Daniel Yo-Ling, Wen Liu, and Eathan Lai...

Radio New Bloom #17: Savungaz Valincinan on the Five Year Anniversary of Tsai’s Apology

For the seventeenth episode of Radio New Bloom, which is primarily in Mandarin, we present the live recording for our event last month on the five year anniversary of Tsai Ing-wen's apology to Taiwanese Indigenous. The event asked the question: Five years later, have conditions improved for Indigenous in Taiwan? Has Taiwan become a more pluralistic and inclusive country five years after Tsai’s apology?Our featured speaker is Savungaz Valincinan, a member of the Indigenous Youth Front who is currently a graduate student in law...

Who Rules Asia?: An Interview with Noam Chomsky | 誰在統治亞洲?:諾姆·喬姆斯基專訪

李爰錚為破土專訪左派學者諾姆·喬姆斯基,內容談到亞太局勢,左派知識分子的責任,和美中衝突下台灣以及其他亞洲國家的出路。專訪時間為2021年6月25日。歡迎大家收看分享! For New Bloom, Jenny Li interviewed Noam Chomsky on the responsibility of leftist intellectuals in time characterized by conflict between the US and China, as well as possible ways out of this dilemma for small nations such as Taiwan caught between great power competition. Check it out!...

Radio New Bloom #16: Namoh Nofu Pacidal on Pangcah Feminisms

For this installment of Radio New Bloom, we present a live recording from our talk with Namoh Nofu Pacidal on April 16, 2021, "On Pangcah Feminisms." This episode is primarily in Mandarin and is the fourth episode of our current season, coming one day after Indigenous Peoples Day in Taiwan and before our talk on Sunday about the five year anniversary of Tsai Ing-wen's apology to Indigenous on behalf of the ROC state...

Radio New Bloom #15: Chi Ta-wei on Taiwanese and Asian American Queer Literature

For the latest installment of Radio New Bloom, Sheng Kao spoke with Chi Ta-wei, a teacher and scholar of queer literature at National Cheng Chi University. We speak with him about his introduction to Ocean Vuong's On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous and the recent English translation of his novel, The Membranes. This is the third episode of our current season...