林沂霏,臺灣首位暴力預防綠點旁觀者介入(Bystander Training)認證培訓師 我們臺灣 Women’s March Taiwan 專案總監。 於2014年受到跟蹤騷擾,當時求助無門之下,因緣際會認識『旁觀者介入』的概念。2016年於聯合國婦女大會周邊活動中以倖存者身份分享自己的經歷,同年隻身前往美國取得綠點旁觀者介入認證培訓師資格。爾後致力於『跟蹤騷擾防制法』之相關倡議與立法過程,並將瑜珈療癒、靈性知識與性別議題融合,帶領一系列女性工作坊與讀書會,試圖接住隱藏在你我身邊那些曾經受傷的靈魂。
Caritta Lin is the Project Director of Women’s March Taiwan. She is a survivor of stalking, who went to the United States to obtain the Green Dot Bystander Intervention Certified Trainer qualification in 2016 and devoted herself to the legislative process of the "Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act". In recent years she further integrates yoga therapy, concept of trauma-informed and gender awareness into a series of workshops for women.