Brian Hioe

Corporatization of the Taiwan Railways Administration Represents Defeat for Labor

The corporatization of the Taiwan Railways Administration, changing it from an agency of government into the state-owned enterprise of the Taiwan Railways Corporation, puts an end to a long-run labor struggle by workers. The struggle went on for many years, but the inability of workers to stop the corporatization reflects the weakness, in many ways, of Taiwanese labor...

Vice Presidential Debate Sees Theatrics by Jaw, Hsiao Echoing Tsai Ing-wen, and Verbal Stumbles by Wu

The vice presidential debate took place this afternoon. This was the last of the debates held as part of the presidential campaign season, coming after three presidential policy platform presentations that are not formal debates on December 20th, December 26th, and December 28th, one vice presidential presidential policy platform presentation, and one presidential debate...
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Brian Hioe

Brian Hioe is one of the founding editors of New Bloom. He is a freelance journalist, as well as a translator. A New York native and Taiwanese-American, he has an MA in East Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University and graduated from New York University with majors in History, East Asian Studies, and English Literature. He was Democracy and Human Rights Service Fellow at the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy from 2017 to 2018 and is currently a Non-Resident Fellow at the University of Nottingham's Taiwan Studies Programme.
