sports reform in Taiwan

Controversy Over Accommodations for Taiwan’s Olympic Athletes Reflects Culture of Abuse, Authoritarian Legacy

Controversy has broken out regarding the Tokyo Olympics, primarily revolving around the accommodations for Taiwan’s athletes competing in the Olympics. Indeed, much of the controversy hinges around matters of national pride about athletes who represent Taiwan on the international stage. At the same time, the deeper roots of the controversy are rooted in the legacy of authoritarianism in Taiwan, particularly regarding kickbacks for government officials with ties to the KMT party-state and a deeply-rooted culture of abuse in Taiwanese sports...

Attempts By Sporting Associations To Block Reform Efforts Using Fake Members

Controversy over sporting associations in Taiwan continues, with accusations in the past month that sporting associations have taken steps to try and block pushes for reform from Taiwanese activists and members of civil society. This has been through raising the costs for joining sporting associations and a sudden influx of thousands of applications shortly before the deadline, of which many are thought to be fake...