On the third of July, a group of American scholars and China watchers co-signed and published an op-ed with seven points in the Washington Post, titled “China is not an enemy". But the letter may simply reflect American naïveté; many in Taiwan, for one, would tell a drastically different story, that China is a threat to democracy on an island of 23 million people...
Sometimes minor differences—even just a single word—can have deep implications with regards to how we discuss Taiwan's political status. We might take a look...
A bizarre delusion, which seems to be held by many English language commentators on Taiwanese politics with a pro-Taiwan stance, is to somehow believe that Trump has had a consistent position on Taiwan throughout and that his stance on Taiwan have never changed...
Would Taiwan become the target of Donald Trump's ire because of Taiwanese society's progressive values? Taking in refugees or legalizing gay marriage are two fronts upon which Taiwanese society might be targeted by Trump...
One of frequent arguments used by those who suggest that a Donald Trump presidency will follow the terms of more conventional foreign policy is that he will be kept in check by his advisors or institutional safeguards. Is this so?...
With recent statements by Donald Trump that he may break with America’s longstanding One China Policy, some in Taiwan have taken this as cause for celebration. More critical voices, however, noted that Trump’s full statement suggests bargaining away Taiwan in return for a trade deal with China...
One should not acquiesce to the narrative currently being popularized that anything less than uncritical approval of the impetus behind the Trump-Tsai phone call equates to full support for Beijing’s isolation of Taiwan...
Critiques of international media’s reaction to the Trump-Tsai call by pro-Taiwan commentators should be grounded on calling out American hypocrisy on relations with Taiwan instead of trying to convince one’s self and others that the media has gotten it wrong on Trump the all-knowing’s master strategy for the Asia Pacific...