Protests took place in Hong Kong yesterday, on the day that Legislative Council elections were originally supposed to take place before the announcement in July that elections would be delayed for a year...
Arrests and acts of police violence took place yesterday night in Hong Kong, on the one-year anniversary of the Prince Edward MTR attacks, which took place last year on August 31st...
Jimmy Lai, the owner of the Apple Daily and Next Digital, was arrested today under the provisions of the Hong Kong national security law. Lai’s two sons and at least seven other senior staff members were also taken into custody on various charges. Shortly after Lai's arrest, which took place at 7 AM, over two hundred police were mobilized to search the Apple Daily and Next Digital's offices at 10 AM...
News broke last week that the Hong Kong government intended to disqualify a dozen pro-democracy candidates from the Hong Kong Legislative Council elections, which were originally scheduled to take place in September...
Twelve pro-democracy candidates running in the Hong Kong Legislative Council elections were disqualified from running yesterday. The Hong Kong government previously suggested that it delay elections by one year, using the current COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext to do so. However, the Hong Kong government may be hedging its bets by also disqualifying pro-democracy candidates beforehand, eliminating choices apart from pro-Beijing candidates...
In the weeks leading up to the passing of the new national security law in Hong Kong, a Twitter-based smear campaign against the city’s protesters has been relentlessly trying to sway opinions among the Anglophone Left. Led by Chinese diaspora account Qiao Collective and the conspiracy blog Grayzone, these critics dismissed the popular Hong Kong uprising as nothing more than a CIA-backed colored revolution, and accused its participants of being pro-Trump, anti-Black Lives Matter right-wingers...
A little less than two weeks after new national security legislation passed by China’s National People’s Congress took effect in Hong Kong, the chilling effects on Hong Kong’s political freedoms are already self-apparent...
It has been just over a year since that Sunday in June of 2019 that 2 million people took to the streets of Hong Kong to protest a proposed extradition bill...
The details of the new Hong Kong security law passed by China’s National People’s Congress became public at around 11 PM yesterday night. Although many were already fearing the worst, the details of the new law indicated even more stringent measures than previously anticipated. In the meantime, the Taiwanese government today officially unveiled a new office to assist Hongkongers in downtown Taipei today. It remains to be seen whether this office will be able to provide for Hongkongers in need of asylum in Taiwan...