migrant workers in Taiwan

Lessons from the Miaoli Lockdown: The Truth About Racism in the Asia Pacific

If level three advisory alert has shown us anything, it is that Taiwan has made clear its two-tier, bilateral approach to its foreign residents: one composed of lack of labor, discrimination, and equity protection. Notably, the majority of Miaoli’s Han residents were able to shop for groceries out and about while “second-tier” and “lesser” Southeast Asian migrant workers remained locked inside of their home quarantines after being blamed and scrutinized for the outbreak of COVID in the area...

Miaoli Clusters Show That Attention to the Plight of Migrant Factory Workers Is Long Overdue

There has been increased international attention to the plight of migrant workers in Taiwan, after clusters broke out among migrant workers at eight electronics factories in Miaoli over the last month. The Miaoli clusters consisted of a total of 471 individuals, of which 400 were migrant workers, and of which 71 were Taiwanese...

Tsai Administration’s Actions in Dispute with Indonesian Government Over Broker Fees Are Disgraceful

The Taiwanese Ministry of Labor has condemned the Indonesian government for seeking to abolish broker fees, claiming that the Indonesian government was acting unilaterally in doing so, and seeking to displace costs onto Taiwanese consumers. This, however, is an incident in which the Ministry of Labor has sought to defend exploitative practices by brokers under the current broker system for migrant workers...