gay marriage ruling in Taiwan

China’s Ban On Online LGBTQ Content Likely A Product Of Nationalism

China's recent ban on all online video and audio content regarding LGBTQ issues is perhaps unsurprising, seeing as this follows on the heels of a ban on depictions of homosexuality on television. But perhaps the ultimate reason for crackdowns on LGBTQ representation in Chinese media has to do with current attempts by the Chinese government to fan up nationalism within China...

Uncivilize The Civil Code

The Council of Grand Justices' Interpretation 748 as realizing marriage equality is supposed to be a milestone, if we are to do or say the appropriate thing. But in reality, if we read the interpretation a bit more carefully, we can raise several important issues which have been neglected to date. The importance of these issues lay in that this article cannot be seen as merely concerning marriage equality, but have broad effects on sexual freedoms, marriage and even the Civil Code itself in Taiwan...

The First Asian “Country,” “Place”, Or “Chinese Province” To Realize Marriage Equality?

International media outlets have sometimes referred to Taiwan as the first “country” in Asia to legalize gay marriage by court ruling. More commonly, Taiwan has been referred to as an “island,” “place”, or without any reference to what kind of polity Taiwan is altogether, but still stressing the historic nature of the event as a first in Asia. This is revealing of the hypocrisy of international media...

The Ball Is Back In The DPP’s Court Regarding Marriage Equality In Taiwan

After the ruling of the Council of Grand Justice’s yesterday, the legislature will need to amend Taiwan’s Civil Code to allow same-sex marriage within two years. But this opens the way for backsliding by a DPP legislature which has already proven recalcitrant on the issue. The DPP has already shown early signs of backsliding in its reactions and so means will need to be found of putting pressure on the DPP to live up to past promises...