Recent Labor Demonstrations By Transportation Workers In Taiwan Brian Hioe08/17/2016 Labor struggles regarding transportation workers in Taiwan would seem to have taken center stage as of late... August 2016EnglishLaborSocial Movements9 min read
End of Hunger Strike by Workers Outside Legislature, Future Actions Planned Brian Hioe07/21/2016 A hunger strike by workers outside the Legislative Yuan came to an end today after 52 hours. Workers were demonstrating against planned cuts in public holidays... #14EnglishJuly 2016LaborSocial Movements10 min read
Workers Begin Hunger Strike Over Planned Cuts In Public Holidays Brian Hioe07/19/2016 Workers began a hunger strike outside the Legislative Yuan this morning in order to demonstrate against planned cuts in public holidays... #14EnglishJuly 2016LaborSocial Movements6 min read