The brutal conditions facing migrant workers in Taiwan are visible from the deaths of ten Vietnamese nationals whose bodies were found after having washed ashore last month. Fourteen bodies of Taiwanese were also found dead after having washed ashore this month and last month...
Control Yuan members Wang Mei-yu, Wang Yu-ling, and Upay Radiw Kanasaw held a press conference late last month to call attention to the lack of pathways for migrant workers to work in the agricultural sector. Namely, compounded with the agricultural sector’s shortage of workers, this has resulted in a “symbiotic” relationship between the agricultural sector and migrant workers that have fled their workplace, commonly referred to as “runaway” migrant workers...
Two hundred demonstrated against solar farms in Cigu in front of the Presidential Office in early November. This continues several years of protest by Cigu residents against solar farms. According to demonstrators from the Alliance to Save the Lands of Cigu and other groups, protests against the solar farms have quadrupled in the past four years...
Anger from fishermen has broken out after plans by German energy company EnerVest to develop wind farms near the islets of Huaping, Mianhua, and Pengjia. Controversy regarding the issue follows a familiar dynamic in Taiwan...