Weekend Sees Eighth Death in Taiwan from COVID-19 Since Start of the Pandemic

The situation regarding the Taoyuan General Hospital cluster, Taiwan’s first COVID-19 cluster since last April and Taiwan’s largest COVID-19 cluster to date, continues to develop. Friday night saw the first COVID-19 death in eight months, after a woman in her eighties part of the cluster died, and was found to have been infected with COVID-19 after her death...

Fears of Undetected Transmission Chains Lead to Quarantine of Taoyuan General Hospital Contacts

With the cluster of cases linked to the Taoyuan General Hospital having now expanded to a total of fifteen cases, the Central Epidemic Command Center that coordinates Taiwan’s response to COVID-19 has announced that discharged patients that were released from the hospital between January 6 and 19 and their close contacts must undergo a fourteen-day home quarantine...

KMT Calls for a Lockdown of Taoyuan to Attack the DPP, Disregarding the Human Cost

Over the past week, KMT politicians have begun calling for a lockdown of Taoyuan after a cluster of thirteen cases of COVID-19 connected to the Taoyuan General Hospital broke out. This is the first domestic cluster of COVID-19 since last April. However, the situation in Taoyuan is far from one which would warrant the need for a lockdown, and the KMT's call for a lockdown is simply a means to attack the DPP, disregarding what the human consequences of a lockdown for residents of Taoyuan would be...