Chinese military threats directed at Taiwan

Proposal of Chinese “Kill List” of Taiwanese Independence Advocates Meant to Intimidate

Chinese nationalist essayist and blogger Zhou Xiaoping recently proposed a resolution at a session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference for China to draw up a list of “Taiwanese separatists” to be killed during a “Special Military Operation” to take Taiwan. Zhou later claimed that the resolution had been adopted, though this could have been a way for Zhou to claim his own political relevance...

China Again Seeks to Intimidate Taiwan with Drills, Taiwan Scarcely Blinks

China has again set records with drills directed at Taiwan, carrying out “strike drills” around Taiwan in the past week. This is in response to US president Joe Biden signing the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act into law. Part of the provisions of the law authorized 12 billion USD in loans for Taiwan to purchase arms across six years, between 2023 and 2027, with 2 billion USD per year...