Apple Daily

Apple Daily Arrests, Raid Likely Intended to Have a Chilling Effect in Hong Kong’s Media Environment

Jimmy Lai, the owner of the Apple Daily and Next Digital, was arrested today under the provisions of the Hong Kong national security law. Lai’s two sons and at least seven other senior staff members were also taken into custody on various charges. Shortly after Lai's arrest, which took place at 7 AM, over two hundred police were mobilized to search the Apple Daily and Next Digital's offices at 10 AM...

Murder Of Canadian English Teacher Has Been Sensationalized By Irresponsible Reporting

Panic about the murder of Canadian English teacher Ramgahan Sanjay Ryan has been amplified by sensationalist news reporting from media outlets. In particular, one news outlet, Taiwan News, has seized upon the case to drive up hits, as it is probably the main source of information about the case among expats that cannot read Chinese-language news sources in Taiwan. We might take a look...