Australian newspaper The Age reported yesterday that Alex Tsai of the KMT attempted to force accused Chinese spy Wang Liqiang to recant his claims that he assisted in Chinese infiltration efforts aimed at influencing the Taiwanese elections...
Accusations by the KMT that the DPP is instituting a “Green Terror” of political persecution against the pan-Blue camp that is equal to or worse than the White Terror perpetrated by the KMT during the authoritarian period are groundless and ridiculous. Such accusations are ultimately a form of historical denial, but they may gain traction due to historical amnesia in "post-fact" times...
Alex Tsai, until recently the director of the Central Policy Committee of the KMT and a party spokesman, has been embroiled in controversy in past days with charges against Tsai of embezzling 300 million NTD from the sale of the Central Motion Pictures Corporation under the pretext of capital reductions...
Given Chiang Kai-Shek’s evident legacy of authoritarianism, why is the KMT fixating on defending Chiang to the degree of political irrationality? The answers lie in KMT political ideology...
With no money, and a low media profile, the SDP’s Chen Shang-chih has used a creative Facebook campaign to electrify his election campaign for Taiwan legislator...