Efforts to fight the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak continue in Taiwan. New developments, however, have seen rising concerns about the spread of COVID-19 in South Korea and the potential effects this could have on Taiwan...
Efforts to combat the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic continue in Taiwan, with the Central Epidemic Command Center announcing the 26th confirmed case of the epidemic in Taiwan yesterday. One notes that several recent confirmed cases are examples of the domestic spread of COVID-19...
The Central Epidemic Command Center, which is coordinating efforts in Taiwan to combat the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, reported the first death in Taiwan due to the epidemic yesterday...
In the midst of the Coronavirus epidemic, publishing unsubstantiated rumors and misinformation poisons the well of public discourse, and performs a disservice to society. Perhaps the most egregious example of this in domestic English-language media is Taiwan News, an online media platform owned by Luis Ko, the CEO of I-Mei Foods, a major Taiwanese brand. Taiwan News recently published a number of articles making extraordinary claims about the COVID-19 outbreak in China. Two articles in particular deserve additional scrutiny; both were written by Keoni Everington, whose bylines list him as either “editor” or “staff writer”
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak continues to have widespread implications in Taiwan, with a number of measures rolled out by the government in past days aimed at stopping the spread of the disease...
The Chinese Communist Party has put its political priorities over the need to combat the novel coronavirus epidemic within China. But Beijing’s growing international clout means that the international community also suffers from the primacy of the party...
New rules introduced by the Tsai administration to regulate the selling of medical masks are likely to lead to further blowback against the government...
One notes that attempts to target the Tsai administration for its handling of the coronavirus crisis from members of the pan-Blue camp have taken a number of different approaches in past days. That there is no ideological consistency among these attempts to attack the Tsai administration is likely illustrative of the internal splits within the pan-Blue camp...
The concrete effects of Taiwan’s exclusion from the international community, particularly its exclusion from the International Civil Aviation Organization and World Health Organization, are visible in the decision by the Italian and Vietnamese governments to suspend flights from Taiwan. Taiwan is excluded from both organizations due to Chinese pressure, seeing as China claims Taiwan to be an inalienable part of China and refuses to allow Taiwan to participate in both organizations on an independent basis...