Can we trace the victory of Tsai Ing-Wen for president and the overwhelming victory of the DPP in legislature back to the Sunflower Movement? Both yes and no...
We might note that, to date, there have at least not been very many foreboding warnings about Tsai guiding Taiwan in the direction of Taiwanese-independence and possibly provoking cross-strait conflict...
If most international attention has focused on Tsai Ing-Wen's victory over Eric Chu in presidential elections, who were the winners and losers of legislative elections?...
With the possibility of Hung's replacement as KMT presidential candidate, is it time to start speaking of Hung in past tense? We might look back on her meteoric rise and fall....
Are there lessons to be learned from the disproportionate influence of international media on Taiwan as evidenced in Tsai Ing-Wen’s appearance on the cover of Time Magazine?...