
Interview: Joshua Wong (黃之鋒)

12309857_940737626018746_3880388654017521458_oNew Bloom editor Brian Hioe, along with friends and associates, interviewed Joshua Wong in New York, during a visit to the US by Wong in late April. Joshua Wong is most well known as a leading figure of the 2014 Umbrella Movement and for being the founder of Scholarism. Wong recently announced the formation of a new political party, Demosistō.

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mspgrandcentral-1 (2)阿凱・歌利遭紐約亞裔警官梁彼得槍殺一案,在美籍亞裔社群內有許多討論。何天夏・彼得森是阿凱・歌利的阿姨,破土在此刊出關於此案她所寫的公開信。


Open Letter from Hertencia Petersen Regarding Peter Liang

mspgrandcentral-1 (2)New Bloom presents an open letter from Hertencia Petersen, the aunt of Akai Gurley, regarding Gurley’s killing by Chinese-American NYPD officer Peter Liang, which has been much discussed in the Asian-American community.

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PhotoCredit胡宏志NewTalk1960 年代初到台灣時還是少女的艾琳達,在1970 和1980 年代成為台灣民主運動的老將。她在美麗島事件之後雖被驅逐出境,卻仍持續在境外為台灣民主奔走,1990 年獲准重返台灣之後,也繼續參與台灣社會運動。艾琳達2007 年起任教於台北醫學大學,直到2012 年。破土在2015 年8 月訪問艾琳達,隨後於2016 年1 月再次拜訪,順應時事發展補充訪談內容。


專訪:Tuhi Martukaw(洪簡廷卉)

PhotoCreditTuhiMartukawTuhi Martukaw(洪簡廷卉)是一位就職於原住民族電視台的主播和國際編譯,以及LIMA台灣原住民青年團的創辦人和召集人。破土的中文編輯丘琦欣和楊進於2015年12月在紐約與她見面,談到了她的眾多工作以及帶領台灣原住民代表團參與聯合國原住民議題常設論壇的經驗。


Interview: Tuhi Martukaw (洪簡廷卉)

PhotoCredit原 無 疆 界 知 識 系 列 座 談 會Tuhi Martukaw (Jocelyn Ting-Hui Hung Chien) is an anchor and translator on Taiwan Indigenous Television Network (TITV) as well as coordinator and founder of the LIMA Taiwan Indigenous Youth Working Group. Parson Young and Brian Hioe of New Bloom interviewed her in December 2015 in New York City about her experiences with UN delegations of Taiwanese indigenous peoples and at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

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Interview: Linda Gail Arrigo (艾琳達)

PhotoCredit胡宏志NewTalkLinda Gail Arrigo, who first came to Taiwan in the early 1960s as a teenager, is a veteran of the Taiwan democracy movement in the 1970s and 1980s. Though banned from entering Taiwan after the events of the Kaohsiung Incident, she continued to advocate for Taiwanese democracy afterwards outside of Taiwan and has continued to be a participant in social movements after eventually being able to return to Taiwan in 1990.

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Shinsuke Ogawa and Kidlat Tahimik’s Confluence of Image

PhotoCreditDevotion26 years ago, on October 15, 1989, a group of Asian filmmakers at the first Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival in Yamagata, Japan published the “Asian Documentary Filmmaker’s Manifesto”. This was far from the first public manifesto of Asian filmmakers, but it was the first manifesto of Asian documentary filmmakers which became well known internationally. It is hard to say how many still remember it, but the Manifesto is far from being a relic consigned to museums. The difficulties facing filmmakers described in the manifesto still exist today, and so the words of the Manifesto still have relevance to the present. Within the connections formed at the 1989 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, was that of Kidlat Tahimik and Shinsuke Ogawa, whose connection was particularly special. 

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Interview: Chen Wei-Ting (陳為廷)

12278745_1171231406226343_6359912256711785629_nFrom the anti-media monopoly movement in 2012, through the Dapu incident in Miaoli, to the Sunflower Movement, Chen Wei-Ting has in many important social movements for the sake of society, participated in every activity. But even so, Chen Wei-Ting has been a controversial figure. In the middle of the battle for 2016 legislative elections, the famous Chen Wei-Ting of the Sunflower Movement was requested by Chiu Hsien-Chih to be his campaign manager. New Bloom took the opportunity to interview Chen during Chiu Hsien-Chih’s visit to the US on August 30th.

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Interview: Chiu Hsien-Chih (邱顯智)

12088088_1650846091822443_4146261363807978298_nFor 2016 legislative elections, DPP minority whip Ker Chien-Ming decided to return to Hsinchu to run for legislator, coming into conflict with the New Power Party candidate Chiu Hsien-Chih and his campaign team. As a result, Chiu Hsien-Chih’s campaign has been hotly discussed in the media as an occasion in which the Third Force runs up against the DPP. New Bloom interviewed Chiu during his speaking tour of America in late August.

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Interview: Miao Poya (苗博雅)

Miao-5A familiar name in Taiwanese activist circles, Miao Poya has stood at the forefront of social movements, expounding her views on issues ranging from the Sunflower Movement, to marriage equality, or to the abolition of capital punishment. This year, Miao decided to throw her hat into the ring for the 2016 legislative elections, standing as a candidate for the newly-founded Social Democratic Party in Wenshan District in Taipei City, and aiming to become an alternative to the political establishment in the legislature. 

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Interview with Orestis Doulos of Greece’s Popular Unity Party

12239298_909466369128586_2811462840053831184_o (1)On November 8th, 2015, New Bloom interviewed Orestis Doulos of Greece’s Popular Unity Party, which was formed after a split from Syriza, regarding what lessons the Greek experience could have for Taiwan. Doulos was elected as an openly Marxist candidate as a councilor in New Philadelphia in Athens.

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12194512_909466532461903_8350193562899016874_o奧列斯提斯‧多羅斯(Orestis Doulos)以公開馬克思主義政策當選的現任雅典市新費城區區議員,並於 2009 年與其他希臘同志加入了後來成為主導基左盟的「左翼聯盟」。在基左盟興起的路途中,共產主義趨勢在黨內不斷的要求與資本主義斷絕關係來解決希臘的經濟危機,並成功的在基左盟中央委員會以選票的方式取得兩席。當齊普拉斯的背叛成為事實時,「共產主義趨勢」脫離了基左盟,並與其他政團成立了人民團結黨,並持續試圖將黨推向於馬克思主義政策。


A Young Woman’s March Towards the Legislative Yuan: Interview with Hung Tzu-Yung (洪慈庸)

11051811_910073982364828_2587896446977860171_oThe Hung Chung-Chiu Incident changed Hung Tzu-Yung’s ’s life plans. After Freddy Lim’s tireless recruiting efforts, Hung decided to join the New Power Party. She hopes to avoid the the major parties’ regulations and work with her partners to create an ideal environment. She is running for legislator in Taichung District 3. The following interview was originally conducted in late October.

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Interview: Tree Party (樹黨)

12249729_491451087695121_591776532458523279_nIn early August, New Bloom editor Brian Hioe interviewed two candidates of the Tree Party, Laurence Chen and Pan Han-Sheng.

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Article on Impeaching President before Ma-Xi Summit Censored

Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 4.17.03 AMAs news reports and analysis of the Ma-Xi meeting were flooding news networks around the world, a story about the loss of freedom of speech for one Taiwanese law scholar was being shared wildly on Taiwanese Facebook feeds. A column published on Taiwan’s Commonwealth Magazine’s Opinion web page written by Cheng-yi Huang was taken down by site administrators, citing a need for society to “strictly and fully understand the Ma-Xi meeting”. Huang’s article, titled “The Legislative Yuan should impeach the President immediately”, offered a scathing critique of Ma’s plan to meet with China President Xi Jinping without first briefing Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan about the matter and advised Taiwanese legislators to begin impeachment proceedings in order to stop Ma from going through with the meeting.

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Before the Ma-Xi Summit, Did Commonwealth Magazine “Harmonize” my Article?

Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 4.42.23 AMBecause a lot of my friends have asked me, how come we can’t see your article “Should the Legislative Yuan promptly impeach Ma Ying-jeou?” on “Opinions@Commonwealth”, I simply had to make an explanation.

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The Legislative Yuan Should Impeach President Ma Immediately

PhotoCreditVoaPresident Ma’s reckless political behavior has already violated his pledge of “observ[ing] the constitution [and] faithfully perform[ing] my duties”, and has reached the level where impeachment proceedings should take place.

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Before the Ma-Xi Summit, Did Commonwealth Magazine “Harmonize” my Article?

Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 4.42.23 AMBecause a lot of my friends have asked me, how come we can’t see your article “Should the Legislative Yuan promptly impeach Ma Ying-jeou?” on “Opinions@Commonwealth”, I simply had to make an explanation.

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The Legislative Yuan Should Impeach President Ma Immediately

PhotoCreditVoaPresident Ma’s reckless political behavior has already violated his pledge of “observ[ing] the constitution [and] faithfully perform[ing] my duties”, and has reached the level where impeachment proceedings should take place.

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PhotoCredit黃謙賢從 2012 年反媒體壟斷運動,經歷過反苗栗大埔徵收抗議…到 318 反服貿運動,陳為廷先生在許多重要社會議題上、為底層社會發聲的社會事件上,每場幾乎無役不與。但即使如此,陳為廷先生也是個爭議性的人物。2016年立法委員選戰中,318 反服貿社會運動中的社運知名人士陳為廷在邱顯智律師的極力邀請下出任邱顯智律師的競選總幹事。破土 New Bloom 在 2015 年 8 月 30 號,趁著邱顯智律師以及他的競選總幹事陳為廷先生到美東訪問時,在兩位從紐約至紐澤西的路途中,對兩位進行專訪。



hgfd洪仲丘事件,改變了洪慈庸的人生規劃,在 Freddy 鍥而不捨地邀約之下,洪慈庸決定加入時代力量,希望不受大黨派規定所左右,能夠和一群夥伴一起奮鬥,共同創造一個理想環境。


Interview: Huang Kuo-Chang (黃國昌)

11952784_454511654731081_6992471659994553732_oOn August 6th, New Bloom’s Brian Hioe interviewed Huang Kuo-Chang of the New Power Party. Huang Kuo-Chang, formerly a professor at Academica Sinica, was one of the lead figures of the Sunflower Movement. In the year since, he has actively been involved in the formation of the New Power Party and will be running for legislator in Xizhi as a candidate of the New Power Party.

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Interview: Wuer Kaixi (吾爾開希)

0A9A8677 (1)In early August in Taipei, New Bloom’s Brian Hioe interviewed Wuer Kaixi, longtime democracy activist and Chinese dissident known for his leadership in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. After studying in America, Wuer Kaixi later moved to Taiwan, where he became known as a political commentator. Wuer Kaixi recently announced that he would be running for legislator in Taichung as an independent.

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11227919_850518985023325_1830984777314047505_o李惠仁導演《蘋果的滋味》於今年的四月底在蘋果日報員工餐廳進行首映後,於公視播,五月初已在 YouTube 上線。李惠仁導演繼《睜開的左眼》後,再次以媒體生態為題材,片中從壹傳媒最惡名昭彰、為人詬病的經營方式和媒體商品的探討出發,時間軸一拉十年多,不但見證了黎智英媒體帝國底下壹電視的起步和結束,更是映照出各種事件彼此重疊和相互呼應下,政治與媒體間不得不牽起的緊密關聯性。李惠仁導演進到壹傳媒集團的內部核心拍攝,訪問了不同位階的員工、上司乃至黎智英,卻拍出壹傳媒一直企圖想攻破的台灣大媒體生態、甚至是兩岸三地政治和媒體之間微妙的轉變和角力關係。十年多的時間,不長也不短,但一把十年間媒體生態中發生的事情濃縮在這一小小蘋果中,其中所投射出來複雜的光譜可能就如同紀錄片《蘋果的滋味》中所敘述的一樣:「蘋果咬一口,滋味如何?台灣人最懂。」《破土》有幸於李惠仁導演七月初在紐約的一場「如何發揮公民力量:林祖儀、Freddy、李惠仁之公民練功堂」論壇前訪問導演。


Interview: Lee Hsing-Chang (李幸長)

IMG_9611In late August, New Bloom interviewed social movement veteran Lee Hsing-Chang about his campaign for Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan. Lee is running as an independent candidate in New Taipei City District 9, a traditional stronghold for the KMT. Lee has fought for housing justice for over 25 years, and advocates for affordable housing as a basic human right.

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The Ministry of Education Occupation From Beginning to End

IMG_20150731_013145One month after the end of the Ministry of Education occupation which took place in August, we might look back on the series of events which took place during the past month. This is the complete account of last month’s Ministry of Education occupation from New Bloom editor Brian Hioe, who was present for most of the occupation from the beginning to end.

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10293783_1617620858478300_6177345514424562322_o2016 年的立委選舉,全國知名民進黨立委柯建銘選擇回到新竹市參選立法委員,強碰時代力量參選人邱顯智律師及邱律師所帶領的團隊。正因如此,邱顯智律師瞬間成為最常被放在媒體版面上討論的立委參選人。從洪仲丘案、關廠工人案、鄭性澤冤錯案,到 318 反服貿社會運動參與者的義務辯護律師,邱顯智律師過去曾被稱為「免費的王牌律師」。這位來自嘉義奮起湖長大的鄉下人,一路苦讀到海德堡大學法學博士候選人,他過去擔任過台灣人權促進會會長,免費幫助社會底層、社會弱勢發聲的正義律師。他為什麼願意一股腦栽進政治圈中?為什麼期盼自己能代表新竹市民擔任立法委員工作一職?破土 New Bloom 在 2015 年 8 月 30 號,趁邱顯智律師及競選總幹事陳為廷先生赴美東訪問,從紐約至紐澤西演講的途中,專訪兩位。


Interview: Jennifer Lu (呂欣潔)

_DSC6180In early April, New Bloom’s Brian Hioe interviewed the Social Democratic Party’s Jennifer Lu by Skype.This was our second interview with Jennifer Lu, we first interviewed her in August of 2014.

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Interview: Tsay Ting-Kuei (蔡丁貴)

11143583_810142309074564_3365130167544146870_o (2)On May 2nd, New Bloom’s Brian Hioe sat down with Dr. Tsay Ting-Kuei in New York City, for an interview about the formation of the Free Taiwan Party. Hioe and Tsay then met up again in late July in Taipei, during the Ministry of Education occupation,  for some follow-up questions. This was our second interview with Tsay, the first was conducted in December of last year, also in New York City.

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Interview: Freddy Lim (林昶佐)

11709679_850520831689807_3141980965338032902_oOn July 9th, in New York City, New Bloom’s Parson Young interviewed Freddy Lim of the New Power Party and lead singer of the famed black metal band Chthonic. This is part of an upcoming series of interviews New Bloom is conducting with members of third parties in Taiwan.

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採訪:Freddy Lim (林昶佐)



山形影展、小川紳介和 Kidlat Tahimik 的烏托邦影像合流

PhotoCreditDevotion二十六年前,1989 年十月十五日一群亞洲電影工作者在小川紳介的號召下,在第一屆山形國際電影節簽下了「亞洲電影作家宣言」。這並不是亞洲第一個電影宣言,但卻是第一個以亞洲紀錄片之名發表的宣言。其實不知道這個宣言到現在還有多少人記得,但就一個旁人的角度來看,直到今天,似乎還是無法完全以看待博物館內保存文物的心態檢視,或只是對過往匆匆一瞥地那樣輕輕帶過,畢竟種種困境今日仍存在,這些文字仍述說著此刻。但仔細想想,紀錄片在亞洲區域的發展雖然走得艱辛但也走了好長一段路了。的確,此宣言雖然沒有馬上正式的在亞洲掀起一波改革性浪潮,但其時代意義,就最基本的層面來說,已經直接反應在山形影展。


Profile: FoxCarn & the Betel Store

4fb8c6f5aa3bee34171dbae26aa2f19f_originalFoxCarn & the Betel Store will be the China and Taiwan regional project for Burning Man 2015. The project will feature “worker” participants drawn from Burning Man attendees, who will make Apple parody products as part of an interactive art installation in which participants will experience working in an electronics factory meant to draw parallel to the real-life Foxconn, complete with a robotic overseer arm overhead. New Bloom caught up by e-mail with Ian Rowen, whom we previously interviewed regarding his experiences as one of the few individuals to participate in both the Sunflower Movement and the Umbrella Movement regarding the project.

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太陽花運動是從 2014 年 3 月 18 日開始的,正是整整一年前。事件發生一年後,在我們這些有心參與台灣前途的人們看來,結論是很明確的:太陽花運動創造了歷史。而今,太陽花運動走進了歷史。太陽花運動將與過往爭取台灣民主的漫漫長路上一連串的鬥爭並列,像是 1979 年的美麗島事件,以及 1990 年的野百合運動。但我們要怎麼在歷史上指出太陽花運動的具體影響,則仍未明朗。事實上,此刻其實還言之過早。但我們至少可以分析過去一年裡那些能夠追溯到太陽花運動的事件。


The Significance of 330 for Taiwan

Despite the very transparent success of 330, another way of looking at it, 330 was a failed revolutionary situation. 500,000 had descended upon Taipei—some five percent of the Taiwanese population—but the opportunity had actually been missed where no demands were realized from the government that day. Though protest had taken place during 330 on a scale not seen in decades, the protest had just been a large-scale demonstration, much larger than any of the large-scale demonstrations in previous months or years, but not substantially different where it was a one-day act of protest. Yet how are the possibilities for Left politics in Taiwan changed after 330?

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Using Global Jurisprudence to Decriminalize Adultery and Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

As the purpose of the transnational network of judges is to spur the exchange of ideas, it is incumbent on Taiwan’s Constitutional Court not only to provide information, but also to fully and openly contemplate opinions by other constitutional courts and engage in active discourse. Today, there are two pressing issues in Taiwan on which the Constitutional Court could fully engage in transnational conversations: the criminalization of adultery and the prohibition of same-sex marriage.

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A Year of Sunflowers?

The Sunflower Movement began on March 18th, 2014, one year ago today. One year after the fact, for those of us who concern ourselves with Taiwan’s future, the verdict is clear: the Sunflower Movement made history. And now, the Sunflower Movement has passed into history. The Sunflower Movement will take its place alongside past struggles in the long journey of Taiwanese democracy as the Wild Lily Movement of 1990 and the Kaohsiung Incident of 1979. But less clear is what, in history, we will be able to point to as the concrete effects of the movement. In truth, it is still too early to tell. But we can examine the past year’s events as we can root them in the Sunflower Movement.

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Interview: Tsay Ting-Kuei (蔡丁貴)

On December 17th, 2014, New Bloom’s Brian Hioe sat down with Dr. Tsay Ting-Kuei in New York City, for an extended interview. Tsay Ting-Kuei is a longtime Taiwanese independence activist, dating back to the Martial Law period, during which he was blacklisted from returning to Taiwan because of his political activities abroad while studying in America. As a result, he was only allowed to return to Taiwan after the end of martial law. As chairman of the Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan, he has continued activism on behalf of the cause of Taiwanese independence. AORFT actions have included an occupation outside of the Legislative Yuan which has lasted for over 2000 days, toppling the statue of Sun Yat-Sen in Tang De-jhang Memorial Park in Tainan in February 2014, and participation in the Sunflower Movement.

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America and The History of Taiwanese Independence

It may be ironic that Taiwanese independence, in necessitating the acknowledgement of Taiwan by other nation-states, has been heavily dependent upon acknowledgement of Taiwan by America. American foreign policy was what had led to Taiwan’s expulsion from the international community to begin with, as Taiwan’s loss of UN status came after and was as a result of the US establishing diplomatic relations with China and breaking off diplomatic relations with Taiwan. As such, it is because of American policy that Taiwan became unacknowledged as a political polity by the world community.

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Who Betrayed Formosa?

228 was the anti-colonial uprising in 1947 that occurred in reaction against KMT oppression of native Taiwanese after the KMT came to Taiwan from China which was set off by the shooting of a woman selling tobacco by KMT law enforcement. Kerr, an American diplomat in the American Foreign Service, was a witness to the 228 Massacre and wrote Formosa Betrayed in order to point towards what he saw as the moral failings of America in failing to act on behalf of Taiwanese. The work would later serve a valuable eyewitness account for Taiwanese learning of the history repressed by the KMT within Taiwan. But have Taiwanese today forgotten what Kerr’s original demand of responsibility to America was in their appeals to America?

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Photo Credit-Carlos Barria:Reuters香港此次普選運動能從佔中升級到數十萬人參與的「傘花」革命,引起國際廣大關注,除了考量政治面香港與北京政權矛盾的緊張情勢,和經濟面長久以來城市經濟貧富差距的危機,也可以從空間的脈絡去分析。此篇文章作者以空間與集體行動的研究,去討論香港佔領運動的進程與發展。





Crisis and Resurgence

The Sunflower Movement has inspired a new wave of overseas Taiwanese student movement. The March 30th global mobilization against the undemocratic procedure of the Cross-Strait Services Trade Agreement with China that the Ma’s Administration pushed the Congress to sign behind backdoor organized overseas Taiwanese people across 16 countries and 49 cities.

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Looking Back on 323

Photo Credit-王顥中Bolao (伯勞) is the pseudonym of an American of Taiwanese descent living in Taipei. Through a strange set of circumstances, though an American by birth and upbringing, he was involved in the attempt invade and occupy the Executive Yuan, Taiwan’s executive branch of government. The following is his investigation into and personal account of the Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan occupation, both of which he was a participant in.

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The 121st Day of the Songyan Occupation

On its 121st day, the longstanding Songyan occupation, protesting the unlawful cutting down of trees in the area outside the site of the future Taipei Dome, near Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, faced its greatest tribulation to date. A police raid upon the occupation encampment was conducted at 2 AM which, according to those present, brought in approximately forty to fifty police officers.

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From Out of KMT Party Education, Towards the Path of Justice

I was once a supporter of the KMT. When I was young I worshipped President Chiang Kai-shek’s heroic deeds in the war against Japan, appreciated his opposition to Communism, and was grateful for him founding Taiwan.

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Photo credit-7:14 近代民主的開始我曾是一位國民黨死忠支持者,我小時候曾經崇拜 蔣中正總統反共抗日的英勇事蹟、欣賞他為正義反共、感謝他建設臺灣等事蹟。當時我認為白色恐怖受害者都是群不聽政府的反社會人格者,政府是在教育他們好好做人才逮捕他們,唯有跟隨政府反共才能帶來最後的幸福。


Civil Revolt in Miaoli County?

This past Friday, approximately 200 protestors gathered outside of the former site of Chang Pharmacy in Dapu, Miaoli. One year ago on July 18th, 2013, the family-owned pharmacy was forcibly demolished in order to make way for commercial development. In September, owner Chang Sen-wen (張森文) was found dead under a bridge. The death was ruled a suicide by police, but there are those who remain suspicious, including Chang’s son.

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Where Have All the Sunflowers Gone?

During one of the initial planning meetings for New Bloom approximately a month after the end of the Legislative Yuan occupation, one editor wryly pointed out that during the height of the Sunflower movement, it was very hard to find sunflowers in flower shops—but now it was easy to do so again.

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2014 年 3 月 18 日夜晚,一群台灣青年衝入立法院議場,佔領議會超過 20 天,抗議立委貿然和中國簽署《服務貿易協定》。這波被稱為「太陽花運動」的抗議,不僅衝破了台灣民主的黑幕,更使得許多原本對政治冷漠的台灣人,開始正視台灣的民主危機,連帶地掀起後續大規模的公民參與浪潮。同時,太陽花運動也揭示了台灣政治、經濟和社會各層面,長期以來潛藏的問題。



It would seem that Asia is in the streets these days. Three months have passed since Taiwan’s Sunflower movement. With the revival of Hong Kong’s Occupy Central in new form, sovereignty issues regarding mainland China and questions of democracy have generally taken center stage whereas Chinese speaking countries and territories on China’s periphery are concerned.

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Radical 在台灣常常會翻譯成「激進」,但我認為應該翻成「基進」會更為恰當。根據 Merriam-Webster Online 關於 radical 的條目, radical 是「與根(root)相關的」,衍生為基礎、起源與重要之意。所以 radical 的『ㄐㄧ』應該翻譯為「基」礎的基而非「激」烈的激。為什麼我要從 radical 開始談呢?因為無政府主義(Anarchism)常常被認為是最 radical 的政治思想體系( political ideology ),然而在沒有弄清 radical 真正的意思之前,我們常常在一開始就搞錯整個無政府主義的方向,把無政府主義連接到混亂、失序、毫無規則等等…。但其實無政府主義者的重點是思考最「基本」的問題,挑戰問題的「根基」,而非採取「激烈」的手段。


What the Sunflower Movement unveiled for Taiwan

ON THE NIGHT OF March 18th 2014, a number of Taiwanese young people rushed into the Legislative Yuan, and began an occupation of the legislative chamber that lasted over 20 days in protest of the Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services (CSSTA) which had been passed by legislators without detailed examination.

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