
The 121st Day of the Songyan Occupation

On its 121s day, the longstanding Songyan occupation, protesting the unlawful cutting down of trees in the area outside the site of the future Taipei Dome, near Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, faced its greatest tribulation to date. A police raid upon the occupation encampment was conducted at 2 AM which, according to those present, brought in approximately forty to fifty police officers...


距離 2014 年底大選約莫還有三個月的時間,但自今年初起,選舉新聞已經大舉佔領各類媒體。雖然年底舉辦的大選包含六都直轄市市長、其他縣市長及議員等,但媒體矚目且曝光度最高的仍是台北市與新北市首長的爭奪戰。新北市的候選人仍是依循傳統藍綠分庭抗禮,就選戰本質來說並無太大新意,而台北市長選情及候選人相較之下則讓人想要看看「究竟這些人要怎麼玩下去」。...

From Out of KMT Party Education, Towards the Path of Justice

I was once a supporter of the KMT. When I was young I worshipped President Chiang Kai-shek's heroic deeds in the war against Japan, appreciated his opposition to Communism, and was grateful for him founding Taiwan. At that time, I believed the White Terror only harmed those antisocial personalities who didn't listen to the government, and that the government was teaching them how to be good people by arresting them, and that only by going along with the anticommunist policies of the government could one find prosperity...


我曾是一位國民黨死忠支持者,我小時候曾經崇拜 蔣中正總統反共抗日的英勇事蹟、欣賞他為正義反共、感謝他建設臺灣等事蹟。當時我認為白色恐怖受害者都是群不聽政府的反社會人格者,政府是在教育他們好好做人才逮捕他們,唯有跟隨政府反共才能帶來最後的幸福。在學校教育和家庭教育的內外兼修下,塑造出一個「優質青年黨員」,當時我的思想和今日王炳忠一樣,認為中華民國是正統,中國共產黨是群齷齪無恥的反動分子,我對愛國歌曲是如數家珍,不論是《中華民國頌》、《中華之愛》、《鋼鐵的心》、《中國一定強》、《抗敵歌》等我都倒背如流。直到我國二那年「陳為廷立法院備詢事件」轟動杏壇,當時我因為在校園內推動學生權益運動(要求老師不得隨意搜身)也被別人貼上「沒禮貌」的標籤而心有戚戚焉,因此稍微關注一下這個人。透過他我認識很多民主鬥士,我在他臉書上認識了鄭南榕、陳文成、黃信介等人物。我當時很驚訝,對一個受黨國教育的人,我難以相信這是台灣近代民主發展的過程,我以前一直以為我們民主是黃花崗七十二烈士鮮血換來的、是革命先烈奉獻青春建構的、是國父十二次革命創造的,當然他們對今日的貢獻功不可沒,但是近代民主意識能崛起主要是戒嚴時期黨外運動灑下的種子茁壯而成的。...