
With America Lurching Ever Rightwards, Could Taiwan’s Progressive Values Become A Liability?

Taiwan has instead sought to emphasize that it should be a member of the international community through good works. This is why one observes that pan-Green political actors, such as current President Tsai Ing-Wen, have a pronounced tendency to try and emphasize Taiwan as a progressive nation-state internationally. But America, Taiwan's major guarantor of security, has continued to lurch rightwards, as observed in America withdrawing from the UN's Human Rights Council and recent Supreme Court rulings upholding Trump's controversial "Muslim ban" and dealing blows to labor and abortion rights...





Utopia to Dystopia?: On The Failure of Solidarity Among Taiwanese Artists After the Huashan Tragedy

Conservative social reactions to the Huashan murder case have continued, with further attempts to pin blame on the residents of the 120 Grassroots Self-Autonomous Zone artistic community by the media and society. As with before, much outrage has been centered on PTT, which has hardly proven to be a progressive social force in this case, and instead an enforcer of a highly conservative social morality. On the other hand, we might note that members of Taiwan’s artistic community have in many cases proven little better, with greater emphasis on pointing fingers, and apportioning blame than rallying together in solidarity...


華山殺人事件至今,社會上保守勢力的反應仍在繼續發酵,媒體及社會試圖將責任推到整個草原居民身上。正如過往歷史,許多憤怒來自於 PTT。在這次事件中,PTT 顯然不是進步的社會力量,反而成了極度保守的社會道德的打手。另一方面,台灣藝術界的成員大多仍呈一盤散沙,互相怪罪、推卸責任。許多人的反應也顯示出台灣藝術界已內化台灣社會的保守態度,當然了,藝術界本身即為台灣的一部分。...