October 2017

A Counter-Example For Taiwan In The Conservative Resurgence In Japan?

The example of the rise of Yuriko Koike’s “Party of Hope” in Japan, offers an example in a mirror darkly for Taiwan, perhaps. Namely, what Japan offers as a counter-example for Taiwan is the failure of democratic politics in allowing for the rise of two starkly conservative parties which do not substantially differ in their politics. Nevertheless, there may be some lessons to be learned for Taiwan...

Will William Lai’s Popularity Last?

One of the ironies of William Lai taking power as premier in September would be that, as one of the most popular politicians in Taiwan, it will be a question going forward if luster attached to Lai’s name will last. Although Lai likely remains one of Taiwan’s most popular politicians, this would be the realities of taking power on the national stage...

Why Have Some Reacted Against Comparisons Between Catalonia And Taiwan?

With the recent independence referendum in Catalonia, a flurry of comparisons have been drawn between what lessons that referendum in Catalonia could draw for Taiwan. At the same time, however, there has been the opposite tendency, to insist that referendum in Catalonia does not offer lessons from Taiwan because of the differences in circumstances between the two areas...

Review: Motherland

"Motherland" directed by Ramona S. Diaz, would be an examination of the lives of pregnant women at Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, the so-called “baby factory” of the Philippines. In this sense, the film is a look at the overpopulation crisis of the Philippines at the very human level of the conditions faced by the pregnant women living in conditions of poverty who give birth at the Fabella Memorial Hospital...