November 2022

The Death of Tuan Tuan and The Puppeteering of a Giant Panda

Tuan Tuan, a giant panda at the Taipei Zoo, underwent euthanasia on November 19th after numerous epileptic seizures. Since the news broke that Tuan Tuan was sick with a brain tumor in September, his condition deteriorated, and experts from China also came to Taiwan for this reason. Chao Shian-Shao, the Taipei Zoo’s spokesperson, indicated that the zoo is committed to retaining Tuan Tuan’s living cells, such as sperm cells, somatic cells, and stem cells...

Miaoli Debate Characterized by Partisan Divides

The Miaoli county magistrate debate was held on November 18th, consisting of three rounds. The first round consisted of an opening statement, and the second round consisted of cross-examination between candidates. Though there were five participants in the debate, the following article will focus on the three frontrunners in the race, these being the KMT’s candidate, Hsieh Fu-hung, the DPP candidate, Hsu Ting-chen, and independent candidate Chung Tung-chin...