May 2023

籽:Taipei Animal Save

一般來說,在 Animal Save 活動中,參與者們會親眼目睹動物的艱困處境,並試著安撫那些正要被宰殺的動物們。參與者們通常會與屠宰場老闆溝通得以進入屠宰場,或者有時候則會在卡車停紅綠燈時藉機與動物短暫相處。2021 至 2023 年間, Taipei Animal Save 在萬華屠宰場前舉行了兩次活動,此屠宰場正式且「好聽」的名稱是「台北家禽批發市場」。然而,在台北,工業化規模的屠宰場不太可能允許活動參與者參觀,也沒有安全的地方讓他們與動物互動。因此,參與者只能駐留在屠宰場外,從門口看著雞緊緊地關在籠子裡。Save 活動從傍晚開始,但參與者並沒有留下來觀看通常在午夜前後開始的宰殺作業。...

Taipei Animal Save Plans to Hold Monthly Vigils

Between 2021 and 2023, Taipei Animal Save held two vigils in front of a Wanhua slaughterhouse – euphemistically and formally known as the Taipei Poultry Wholesale Market. In an Animal Save vigil, activists bear witness to the plight of animals and try to comfort animals on their way to being killed for meat. Typically, Save activists try to negotiate with slaughterhouse owners for permission, or they would take the opportunity to spend time with animals briefly when a truck is parked or stopped at traffic lights. In Taipei, however, industrial-scale slaughterhouses are unlikely to grant permission for activists to visit, and there are no safe locations where activists can interact with animals. Because of this lack of access, activists stationed themselves outside the slaughterhouse, watching the chickens tightly packed in cages from the gate. The vigils started in the late afternoon, but activists did not stay for the slaughter, which typically starts around midnight...

Hou You-yi Emphasizes Opposition to Both “One Country, Two Systems”, Taiwanese Independence

In comments made earlier this week, New Taipei mayor Hou You-yi expressed opposition to both Taiwanese independence and Beijing’s “One Country, Two Systems.” This is among the clearest articulation of a cross-strait stance by the New Taipei mayor to date, with Hou angling for the presidential nomination of the KMT. Otherwise, Hou committed to the defense of the ROC, which includes Matsu, Kinmen, and Penghu...

Recent Events Highlight Taiwan’s Ties with Latin American Countries with Questionable Human Rights Records

Taiwan's ties with Latin American countries with questionable human rights records has been highlighted by a number of recent events. First, Taiwan recently saw a state visit from Guatemalan president Alejandro Giammattei in late April. Giammattei traveled to Taiwan from April 24th to April 27th, attending a state banquet held in his honor by Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen. Likewise, earlier this month, in Paraguay Santiago Peña of the Colorado Party won election earlier this month. This put an end to speculation that Paraguay would break ties with Taiwan after the election...