August 2017

Recent Comments By Stephen Yates Return To American Disrespect For Taiwanese Democracy

A recent letter in the Taipei Times by Tom Lee, head of the Friends of Tsai Overseas and president of the Taiwan Daily, reflecting on comments by Stephen Yates, a known “friend of Taiwan” and former US deputy national security advisor proves not only an interesting symptom of the blind spots in how many Taiwanese independence advocates conceive of US-Taiwan relations, but illustrates how many American "friends of Taiwan" fundamentally do not respect Taiwanese democracy, no matter what they might claim otherwise...

Recent SCMP Op-Ed Reveals Extent To Which Newspaper Has Become Pro-China Propaganda Organ

A recent article written by Alex Lo, op-ed columnist at the South China Morning Post, has prompted ire in Taiwan because of its citing of claims by Taiwanese political pundit Chang Yu-Hua that at least four student leaders of the Sunflower Movement. Such sentiments are no surprise from Lo, a pro-Beijing pundit and political conservative, who publishes articles for the South China Morning Post daily as part of his “My Take” column. We might question the claims of his article, ultimately a sign of how the South China Morning Post is increasingly a Chinese propaganda organ...


中國隨時都能入侵台灣嗎?美聯社前駐台特派員溫逸德(Peter Enav)近日在《台灣守望》發表文章,引起台灣社會廣泛討論,他認為中國最快在 2018 年下半年就能為侵台做好準備,中國近日也再度叫囂將不惜為捍衛領土主權而出兵作戰。但人們對於中國這麼快就能做好準備進攻台灣的說法,其實應保持懷疑。...


觀察中國網友近期嘲笑以移民制度、少數民族、同志或環保的議題來批評川普的西方批評者為天真的"白左",這真是一種奇怪的自相矛盾。在中國民族主義者眼中,美國顯然是中國在國際上興起的最大障礙。 但是,所有的民族主義者皆有相同的想法,並認為他們與川普志趣相投。 ...

Actions From Trump On North Korea Potentially Dangerous

With recent news reports that North Korea has developed the missile capacity to strike the United States, tensions are at a high in the Asia-Pacific once again. What now, for America, China, South Korea, and other countries which may be caught in the fray, such as Taiwan? Namely, the possibility of dangerous and unpredictable actions from the Trump administration is high...

Red-Baiting Accusations Against “Striking” EVA Flight Attendants Provoke Anger

Anger has ensued from members of Taiwanese youth activists regarding public reactions to 500 EVA flight attendants taking the day off on Sunday in anticipation of a typhoon, something which led to the cancellation of 50 flights. This has been labelled a “strike” by many media outlets, although EVA flight attendants were not actually striking, per se, but using leaves of absences...