Youth Movements

無政府時代的來臨(一) 全球極權化之下的時代革命

從6月9日百萬人大遊行起算,持續至今已達九個月的香港逆權運動,雖然以「反修例」為導火線,實則早已超越此一框架,成為一場反(中國)政府的香港獨立運動。由於抗爭者採取無大台、快閃、流動性與不割席等模式,並受已故武術大師李小龍的「Be water」哲學所啟蒙,因此有外媒將運動命名為「流水革命」(Water Revolution),而港人則直覺地自稱其為「時代革命」。為何這場「光復香港」的逆權運動會成為時代革命呢?這是否意味著它正把世界帶往一個連港人都想像不到的新時代呢?那會是怎麼樣的時代呢?...

Memorial Ceremonies Disrupted by Hong Kong Police Over Weekend

A number of incidents of police violence against demonstrators took place in Hong Kong over the weekend. This was inclusive of a series of arrests by police which took place on early morning Saturday, as well as police violence on Sunday against both attendees of memorials for deceased demonstrators and participants in a demonstration against a planned COVID-19 quarantine clinic. Attacks on pro-democracy city councilors also took place on Monday from pro-police and pro-Beijing groups...


雖然充滿風險,仍有許多寮國人留在寮國境內,爭取自由、人權以及參與環境運動。其中最知名的人物是三十歲女性何蔚宏·剎雅柏里(Houayheuang Xayabouly),或被稱為莫伊(Muay)。她在社群網站上擁有極高聲量,卻在 2019 年 9 月因為發佈一則批評政府處理水壩潰堤導致的水災反應遲緩的影片而遭到逮捕。...