
Pan-Democrat Legislators Resign En Masse from Hong Kong Legislative Council

Some have hailed the end of sham democracy in Hong Kong, with the remaining fifteen pan-Democratic legislators in the Hong Kong Legislative Council resigning en masse yesterday. The resignation took place in order to protest China’s National People’s Congress passing a resolution allowing the Hong Kong government to bypass courts in order to remove lawmakers from office as it deems fit...

呼籲釋放潛逃台灣12港人 公民團體於台北發起1025遊行

多個公民團體昨日發起遊行,要求釋放目前囚禁在中國的香港人,他們於今年八月試圖潛逃台灣。這 12 位港人年齡介於 16 至 33 歲之間,於今年八月試圖乘快艇逃往台灣途中,遭到中國海警攔截。香港警務處(HKPF)似乎從出發就知悉他們的行蹤並且從空中追蹤,亦即默許中國攔截,而非香港自己截阻,意在嚇阻其他香港人從海路潛逃至台灣,也警示了中國直接干預台港兩地的可能性。...

Claims That Five Hongkongers Detained in Taiwan Since July Stir Controversy

Controversy has broken out after claims that the Taiwanese government has been holding five Hongkongers that fled to Taiwan under detention for the last two months. The Taiwanese government was, for the most part, opaque over past weeks about whether it is, in fact, holding the five Hongkongers—with questions having been raised about whether they have been allowed to see lawyers or contact their families...